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The famous must-know gentleman comics website. Get the tissues ready and click on it again alternative of

Joyhentai is also a very famous gentleman website with a large audience. Of course, there are many resources on the Internet, and there are many other gentleman websites with similar content. Here are a few well-known and easy-to-use gentleman resource websites for everyone to watch gentleman comics!

#1 Joyhentai


Of course, most of the people must know about this website. Now that the famous website of nhentai has been blocked in some places and cannot be opened normally, many people have begun to wonder where to read such 18+ gentleman comics. Since the introduction of the National Man Day Man and now to introduce it where you can see the gentleman comics, this site support in English and Japanese language interface, so do not worry do not understand, of course, not all comics are finished it.

Hentai Recommendation:★★★★☆
URL link:

#2 Nhentai


There is a super-famous N web, most of the six-digit numbers, and the so-called "language of God" by gentlemen are mostly used on this website. Nhentai has a very good search tool tag, from the name of the work to the author, which can be used to search for the gentleman comics you want to watch. Among them, there are a lot of 18+ gentleman manga, of all kinds, but most of them are Japanese anime and translated Chinese Japanese anime.

Hentai Recommendation:★★★★★
URL link:

#3 Toptoon


It is also a very well-known gentleman comics website, and most of them are full-color comics, which are very beautiful. Most of the gentleman comics included in Toptoon are biased towards Korean comics, including the style of painting, but it does not affect the feeling of viewing. No ads, the layout is simple and easy to use, the only drawback is that most of them need to be paid to unlock. Of course, toptoon often gives free watch coupons for free, so even if you don’t pay for it, it’s very useful for occasional use.

Hentai Recommendation:★★★★☆
URL link:

#4 Fakku


A gentleman comics website that is more famous among people in another circle. Most of them are gentleman comics in English, so if you don’t understand English or those who like the style of painting, this website is not suitable. The screen is clean and easy to use. It is a pity that some of the comics need to be unlocked and purchased for a fee.

Hentai Recommendation:★★★☆☆
URL link:

#5 禁漫之家


A very useful Korean gentleman comics website. Basically, all the paid comics you see on toptoon can be found here. And viewing is free, which is very good. Occasionally there will be some advertisement pop-ups but it will not affect the viewing too much. After all, it is not good to ask too much for free. Mainly Chinese comics.

Hentai Recommendation:★★★★☆☆
URL link:

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