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Case : AB InBev and SABMiller: A Match Made in (Beer) Heaven Question with Answer (chinese translation)

  1. Why are AB InBev, Heineken, and other global brewers targeting emerging markets such as Vietnam?

In the Asia-Pacific region, beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. It is one of the world's oldest beverages, made from the fermentation of grains. Beer consumption has increased throughout Asia-Pacific in recent years as disposable income has increased and consumer tastes for beer have shifted away from other alcoholic beverages.  Furthermore, consumer perceptions of alcoholic beverages, particularly beer, have been influenced by cultural shifts and the acceptance of western culture. The beer market is divided into three types which are lager, ale, and others.

在亚太地区,啤酒是最受欢迎的酒精饮料之一。 它是世界上最古老的饮料之一,由谷物发酵制成。 近年来,随着可支配收入的增加以及消费者对啤酒的口味从其他酒精饮料转移,整个亚太地区的啤酒消费量有所增加。 此外,消费者对酒精饮料(尤其是啤酒)的看法受到文化转变和接受西方文化的影响。 啤酒市场分为啤酒、麦芽酒和其他三种类型。

  1. Is the brewing industry local or global? 

Depending on consumer preferences, associated costs such as import/export duties and tariffs, taxes, trade embargoes, political and/or bilateral relationships between the countries where the brewery intends to operate, management strategy, demography of the target market, company convenience, market involvement, and risk tolerance, the brewing industry can be both local and global. On the one hand, there are clients who are extremely fussy about the foods they consume. These people are usually from the upper-middle class or upper class of society, and they are generally wealthier than the rest of the population. They are very brand conscious, and they like to correlate their capacity to afford luxury and premium brands with their self-esteem and achievements.

根据消费者的喜好,相关成本,例如进出口关税和关税、税收、贸易禁运、啤酒厂打算经营的国家之间的政治和/或双边关系、管理策略、目标市场的人口统计、公司便利性、市场 参与度和风险承受能力,酿酒业可以是本地的,也可以是全球的。 一方面,有些客户对他们食用的食物非常挑剔。 这些人通常来自上层中产阶级或社会上层阶级,他们通常比其他人口更富有。 他们非常注重品牌,他们喜欢将自己购买奢侈品和高档品牌的能力与自尊和成就联系起来。

These multinationals have incorporated breweries in their home countries to avoid high import tariffs, fluctuating exchange rates, bilateral and/or political issues between their operating countries, and the costly logistic infrastructure that would be required to brew in one country and distribute globally for the masses.

这些跨国公司在本国成立了啤酒厂,以避免高额进口关税、汇率波动、其经营国之间的双边和/或政治问题,以及在一个国家酿造并在全球范围内为大众销售所需的昂贵的物流基础设施 .

  1. Why do so many licensing deals, mergers, and acquisitions occur in the brewing industry?

Mergers and acquisitions boost the scope of operations, which attracts more investors since they can trust a larger, more globally recognized company like Heineken or Budweiser, rather than regionally focused organizations like Tsingtao Beer (China), which lacks international reputation. If these two companies had not merged, it would have taken them a long time to grow into such a major role in the beer market on their own scale and capacity, or neither of them might have been able to reach the position of the world's largest brewer.

并购扩大了经营范围,从而吸引了更多投资者,因为他们可以信任喜力或百威这样规模更大、全球知名度更高的公司,而不是像青岛啤酒(中国)这样缺乏国际声誉的区域性组织。 如果这两家公司没有合并,以他们自己的规模和产能,要在啤酒市场上成长为如此重要的角色,可能需要很长时间,或者他们都无法达到世界第一的位置。 酿酒商。