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Case Study:Travis Kalanick and Uber Question 3 with chinese translation

Do you think either Uber or Lyft will emerge as the leading global ride-hailing brand? Or will the sector be characterized by local and regional brands such as China’s Didi or India’s Ola?

Uber had an amazingly dreadful year anyway while its standing persevered through a shot, it sorted out some way to stick to its spot as one of the main new organizations in the world.


Uber's apparently not by any means the only one that scored more cash over the earlier year. Grab got the greatest single financing round in Southeast Asia in 2017. CapitalG, an endeavor arm inside Google parent Alphabet, drove a financing round of at least $1 billion for Lyft. Didi Chuxing raised more than $4 billion in its latest round of financing. So it's not surprising everyone of the four of these associations are in principle 10 in the current year's Disruptor 50 once-over. These hypotheses from monetary examiners and beasts like Apple and Google could take care of huge as more purchasers select to orchestrate rides on applications and avoid rental vehicles and taxis.

优步显然绝不是唯一一个在前一年获得更多现金的公司。 Grab 在 2017 年获得了东南亚最大的单轮融资。CapitalG 是谷歌母公司 Alphabet 内部的一个努力部门,为 Lyft 带来了至少 10 亿美元的融资。滴滴出行在最新一轮融资中筹集了超过 40 亿美元的资金。因此,这四个协会中的每一个在今年的 Disruptor 50 中都在原则上排名第 10 也就不足为奇了。随着越来越多的购买者选择在应用程序上安排乘车服务并避免租用车辆和出租车,这些来自金融审查员和苹果和谷歌等野兽的假设可能会带来巨大的影响。

Yet, as ride-hailing organizations scale their organizations of drivers and clients all over the planet, they are beginning to infringe on one another's turf. That could constrain them to begin to separate themselves from the opposition. Uber should demonstrate to financial backers that it can beat the opposition, regardless of past battles like lewd behavior allegations, a network protection break and administrative fights. "Uber's brand image endured a considerably greater shot than anticipated as it wrestled with a progression of outrages and PR calamities in 2017," Shelleen Shum, determining chief at eMarketer, said in an assertion this month.

然而,随着网约车组织在全球范围内扩展其司机和客户组织,它们开始侵犯彼此的地盘。这可能会限制他们开始将自己与反对派分开。优步应该向财务支持者证明它可以击败反对派,不管过去的战斗如猥亵行为指控、网络保护中断和行政斗争。 eMarketer 的决定负责人 Shelleen Shum 在本月的一份声明中表示:“优步的品牌形象在 2017 年遭遇了一系列的愤怒和公关灾难,其品牌形象比预期的要大得多。”

Here are a portion of different variables that could isolate the champs from the failures in the ride-hailing industry.


Ride-hailing organizations lose cash and lose a ton of it. Also, that could be exacerbated a lot assuming guidelines and work questions go sideways. Investors have been passed on to sort out which associations are most at risk for financial disillusionment and which winning opportunities will justify the endeavor.


Uber has been maybe the most looming association concerning its financials, revealing as of late that its hardships jumped 61% in 2017, to $4.5 billion. That is in any case the way that its middle workforce of drivers is not considered paid agents of the association taking everything into account, they are laborers enlist in various locales. Uber has in like manner sorted out some way to avoid a critical number of the limits that taxi associations face, for instance, seal systems the need that vehicles be painted brilliant yellow paint and coordinated by the Taxi and Limousine Commission.

优步可能是其财务状况最迫在眉睫的协会,最近透露其困境在 2017 年跃升 61%,达到 45 亿美元。无论如何,考虑到一切因素,它的中间司机劳动力不被视为协会的有偿代理人,他们是在不同地区招募的劳工。优步以同样的方式解决了一些问题,以避免出租车协会面临的一些关键限制,例如,密封系统需要将车辆涂成亮黄色油漆并由出租车和豪华轿车委员会协调。

Yet, developing quickly and getting to new business sectors has demonstrated key to further developing Uber's portion of the overall industry and income. Uber investor Bill Gurley has communicated hopefulness on Uber's project worker-driven labor force and is sure that ride-hailing organizations will benefit as the economy hits "top vehicle." But he has additionally brought up the capability of business sectors like China and Singapore

然而,快速发展并进入新的业务领域已证明是进一步发展优步在整个行业和收入中的份额的关键。优步投资者比尔·格利(Bill Gurley)表达了对优步项目工人驱动劳动力的希望,并确信随着经济达到“顶级汽车”,乘车组织将受益。但他还提出了中国和新加坡等商业领域的能力


While the change in foreign business sectors is clear, the nearby laws and customs regularly are not. Uber has battled, for example, to stay aware of the authorizing laws in the UK and Europe. 


In India, for example, simply 3% to 5 percent of the populace own vehicles. In any case, of the 1.25 billion populace, 800 million are recent college grads, and the cell phone market is developing far and wide. India's Ola is an illustration of an organization that works absolutely uniquely in contrast to Uber offering its Ola Lite programming for low web networks and in excess of twelve distinct transportation choices with an enormous scope of costs.

例如,在印度,只有 3% 到 5% 的民众拥有汽车。无论如何,在 12.5 亿人口中,有 8 亿是应届大学毕业生,而手机市场正在蓬勃发展。印度的 Ola 是一个与 Uber 为低网络网络和超过 12 种不同的交通选择提供巨大成本的 Ola Lite 程序形成鲜明对比的组织的一个例子。

All things considered, Uber's Khosrowshahi said in February that he intends to keep putting vigorously in foreign business sectors.  "I accept the fate of Uber isn't simply transportation yet additionally food conveyance, likewise protection, vehicle renting, a wide range of auxiliary organizations internationally, and that is the thing that the stage needs to do.

考虑到所有因素,优步的 Khosrowshahi 在 2 月份表示,他打算继续大力投资外国业务。 “我承认 Uber 的命运不仅仅是运输,还有食品运输,还有保护、车辆租赁、广泛的国际辅助组织,这就是舞台需要做的事情。

Previous Uber CEO Travis Kalanick once portrayed independent vehicles as an existential danger to his plan of action and that business is turning out to be violently savage as every player attempts to come to showcase first. Elon Musk said exactly that on his new phone call with investors.

前 Uber 首席执行官 Travis Kalanick 曾将独立车辆描述为对他的行动计划的生存威胁,并且随着每个参与者都试图首先展示,该业务变得非常野蛮。埃隆马斯克在与投资者的新电话中明确表示了这一点

Most ride-hailing organizations have attempted to future-evidence themselves by doing self-driving vehicle examination, and Uber even has a flying taxi. Yet, not exclusively are they contending with probably the most developed, very much obeyed bunches taking care of today there's likewise the issue of shielding drivers from being uprooted by new innovation, an issue that non-ride-hailing organizations will not need to confront.


From one perspective, these stages draw in numerous members, however, most do as such for beneficial pay on an exceptionally low maintenance premise and regularly temporarily. Then again, these stages have a center gathering who are full-time, and all-year laborers who give a huge portion of the services to buyers given by these stages.


As more work is computerized, it could dislodge the "center gathering" of drivers that have energized ride-hailing development. Managing that progress could be pivotal to the life span of ride-hailing organizations. At the point when independent vehicle immersion stops, U.S. drivers could see employment misfortunes at a pace of 25,000 per month. Uber has countered with research that demonstrates self-driving trucks could further develop business.

随着越来越多的工作被计算机化,它可能会取代推动打车发展的司机的“中心聚会”。管理这一进展可能对网约车组织的生命周期至关重要。 当独立车辆沉浸停止时,美国司机可能会以每月 25,000 人的速度看到就业不幸。优步反驳说,研究表明自动驾驶卡车可以进一步发展业务。