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Business Math THEORY PART - Trade In Accounting All about trade


Business Math Theory Part - All about trade, discount, cost, profit, time value of money, investment

Author: Tan Chung Keong
Date: 2/1/2021

Trade is a term that already appears while before the civilization has appeared. However, the element in the trade before and now was different. In before, there was a system called the barter system which is actually the predecessor of the concept of trading. Though there was no specific currency that been create, recognize, and use officially by all the people through the different areas. And so, this barter system was actually not a good method for trade is because it actually facing difficulty to measure the value of the item for trading. For example, you would not know how many pieces of paper to exchange with the food can be count as fair trade. While the time ahead, about the 17th and 18th centuries, the first worldwide currency has been found which was the silver Spanish Dollars. It was also known as the “eight-real coins” or “pieces of eight”. Slowly, this concept has been flowed to other countries such as Asia and Europe and become the first worldwide currency that been officially used by most people.


The new concept of trade has begun because of the new worldwide currency, people use the “money” to exchange for the product. This new type of system has been named as the monetary system. The most significant benefit of the monetary system is it could have a better measurement of the product value, and it will make the exchange, purchasing, and sell in the trading become much easier. The monetary system has actually tagged each item or product, goods with a specific value. For example, one bread is 3 dollars, and pieces of paper are pricing at 0.1 dollars, so that trader can exchange 30 pieces of paper with 1 bread. Simple conclude that the monetary system has created the trader with a more fairly trading


While the monetary system has been spread through the world, there were many of the enterprises has been appearing, and everyone starts to think and figure out how to make more profit or find the bug from this system especially the value tagged to some of the product. This is because at the first start of the monetary system has been used, there were many more of the product can’t be tagged with a suitable price yet. These problems were quite serious at first start and many enterprises have obtained a huge benefit from it.


After the technology of civilization has been improving more, long-term trading such as between state or country has become much easier. So that the trade has become a more complex and more potential benefit. After the cumulative of the time of trading, it has slowly formed a trade rule, knowledge, and become a fixed, complete system for trade. There were many supportive techniques, tools that been created to provide support for the trading between the seller and buyer.


One of the supportive techniques was the pricing technique which is the discount. In trading, discount Is the most effective and common pricing technique that been used to attract the customer and increase the sales or clear the stock so on.  The discount in the trade can be categorized into many types. For example:

Type of Discount 

There was actually many more of other types of discount such as the buy one free one-break discount and so on. Every type of discount has its own differences in the time to use and the effect that each type of discount will have.


Although, what element to be considered while being in the trade. First, it will be your cost. The cost was the expenditures that an enterprise will pay for or made for the purpose to run and operate the business or you can name it as the input of the business. There was cost everywhere in the business, such as production cost, labor cost, utility cost, and so on. However, the cost can actually categorize into few more types which is:

Type of Cost

Literally, there are many more types of discounts based on the circumstances. However, while the seller determines which discount to use to attract the customer it would also consider another important factor related to discount which is the profit. Profit is the money that the business obtains after reducing all of the expenses or costs.


Profit is always the primary goal of business, there want to earn more money and increase their company value. So that the profit also becomes a type of measurement method to tell if the company or business work well, have a good performance or not. The profit also shows that how effectively and efficiency that the company uses their revenue and capital or asset.


Typically, the profit could divide into three common types with the formula which is the:


Gross Profit(毛利)

·         Gross profit= total sales – the cost of goods sold


·         Gross profit margin= (Revenue-cost of goods sold) / revenue


Operating Profit(营业利润)

·         Operating Profit=Gross Profit-operating expenses


·         Operating profit margin= operating profit / total sales


Net profit(净利)

·         Net profit= operating profit- taxes and interest



Another factor to consider while in the trade should be the time value. The element of the time value was absolutely important in long-term trading but also quite important in short term too. Time value of Money is referring to the currency fluctuation that changes the money value time over time. Usually, the time value of money will be an influence by:


o   Number of the time period时间段数

o   Interest rate利率

o   Present Value目前的价值

o   Future value未来价值

o   Opportunity cost机会成本

o   Inflation rate通货膨胀率

o   Country policy国家政策

o   Economic situation 金融情况


The time value of money is the focus to measures how much of the actual real money value would people have in the future or present to find out which is more worth or suitable. The calculation of the time value of money could help people to figure out they want to have that money today with the present value of having the money in the future with the future value. For example, if you could receive $100,000 now or in the future maybe a few years. Most people would choose to have it now and this was actually correct and beneficial. This was all about the opportunity cost. In more detail, if you had $100,000 now, you could take it to invest stock and wait for the stock to go mature and grow, you could also deposit in the bank to gain potential interest, build house or buying assets so on. Those asset or stock was an opportunity and if they grow it would probably have a bigger value than the $100,000. However, if people choose to have this $100,000 in future, he will probably miss all of these possibilities which mean he will have a high opportunity cost.


So that while the enterprise is trading, they would more likely to have a full payment rather than the installment payment. This is because they actually handle a high opportunity cost if they do much of the installment payment. This is also why that the installment would come with the interest, which is to cover back the opportunity cost. Although, the opportunity cost is hard to determine and find out some time, and cause the interest rate also to become harder to set it up


While talking about the opportunity cost, it would also come with the investment. The investment such as buying stock and share is actually also a type of trading, but it was not trading between product and money just like usual. The investment is actually the trading of the opportunity cost, it was a bit similar to gambling, but it was well-founded and controllable gambling. People could invest with money, can invest with item or asset too. For example, people could invest in a factory with few machines or pay a hundred thousand for it as an investment. The investment mainly is not for the immediate return, it would more to a long-term or long-run effect. Investment is actually based on the hope of the investor and trues to the investee. Investors hope to get a better payback in the future compares with how much it input in present. Investment can refer to the future generating benefit such as the stock, share, bonds, dividend, property, and so on. 

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