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Nordstrom Case study Answer-Question 1 with chinese Translation

How would you characterize the competitive strategy of a high-end department store chain such as Nordstrom? What is the key customer need that Nordstrom aims to fill?


The Nordstrom company was really successful in terms of the high-end departments, even so, it’s been known as the leader and pioneer in the customer service of the whole industry. A high-end product is actually called high-end due to it having the element of high quality, good services, best experience, high price tag. Even so, there are really focusing on the construction of consumer relationships such as the after service. Just like Nordstrom whose are department sells fashion items (such as shoes, accessories, apparel) also has this type of element.

Nordstrom公司在高端部门方面确实是成功的,即便如此,它也被称为整个行业客户服务的领导者和先驱者。高端产品实际上被称为高端,因为它具有高品质、优质服务、最佳体验、高价格标签的元素。即便如此,也有真正注重售后服务等消费者关系的建设。就像 Nordstrom 的部门销售时尚物品(如鞋子、配饰、服装)一样,也有这种元素。

Moreover, great enjoyment and service are usually mean high payment. Based on the internet information, Nordstrom's customer average age range is between 18 years old to 34 years old. From this information, we can identify and divide Nordstrom into two types. It will be the young people who pursue fashion and pay attention to dress and those people who are older and have a certain level of income ability. In conclusion, Nordstrom are aiming at the consumer who is pursuing great enjoyment and high-quality service, which is usually the high-level income of the social elite.

此外,极大的享受和服务通常意味着高额报酬。根据互联网信息,Nordstrom 的客户平均年龄介于 18 岁至 34 岁之间。根据这些信息,我们可以识别并将 Nordstrom 分为两种类型。将是追求时尚、注重穿着的年轻人,以及年龄较大、有一定收入能力的人。综上所述,诺德斯特龙定位于追求极致享受和优质服务的消费者,通常是社会精英的高收入阶层。


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