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Most Simple explaination about the Capital structure~what is capital structure, measurement, type of capital structure



The capital structure can be defined as the value composition and proportion of various type of an enterprise, especially the relationship and combination of the debt and also the equity. Usually, the capital structure was a mixture of the long-term debt, short-term debt, current liabilities, long-term liabilities, preferred stock, or common stock, investment, and etc.



There is an actually different type of capital structure that available and use by the different companies. However, it can commonly divide into three types, which is aggressive capital structure, moderate capital structure, and conservative capital structure. Capital structure can be defined as a strategic and the nature of the enterprise. The different types of capital structure could use to measures the company cost level, elasticity, and also risk level. These three factors were really important and could be a huge influence or impact on the company investor’s investment, trust, and support. This is because that the changing and form of the capital structure will actually bring impact to the shareholder and owners’ equity. But however, how to measures and find out what type of capital structure was and have by the company, then it needs to discuss about the leverage of the capital structure.



As it discusses leverage, it can say that one of the main purposes and consideration of the capital structure was to maintain the balance between the assets and the equity which was the leverage ratio between them. For example, if there was 45% of the debt and 50% of the asset can be count as high leverage. It can be said that the company that has a high leverage ratio is the company with an aggressive capital structure. This is because they have used, they capability and potential to handle the debt effectively. In another word, the company has put more input to produce more output to increase value, stimulate and lead to a higher growth to the company but higher risk compares with low leverage capital structure. However, the company that has a lower capital structure will have low debt, and this was because they play carefully and stable which is more to a conservative capital structure. This type of capital structure usually leads to lower growth to the company, but it was safer than a high leverage capital structure.

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