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Case study: Strange Brew: Coffee Culture Around the World Question 5 with chinese translation

 If you are a coffee drinker, are you participating in coffee’s “third wave”? Why or why not?

In the 1980s, the third wave of coffee began. The American Specialty Coffee Association was founded, and Australia and Scandinavia have both embraced this quality-first strategy. In the United States, the third wave emerged in the 2000s. Because some local coffee shop owners believe Starbucks and Pete's coffee does not reach their standards of excellence. (Starbucks' coffee beans are typically roasted darker.) Instead, they must find a method to compete with Starbucks, which means improving the quality of coffee. The third wave was concerned with coffee quality but in a different way.

1980 年代,第三波咖啡浪潮开始了。美国精品咖啡协会成立,澳大利亚和斯堪的纳维亚都接受了这一质量第一的战略。在美国,第三波浪潮出现在 2000 年代。因为一些当地的咖啡店老板认为星巴克和皮特的咖啡没有达到他们的卓越标准。 (星巴克的咖啡豆通常烤得更深。)相反,他们必须找到一种与星巴克竞争的方法,这意味着提高咖啡的质量。第三波关注的是咖啡质量,但方式不同。

In the new wave, the third wave of coffee strives to be the most prestigious culinary prize. Taste, variety, and planting area should all be able to be appreciated by people. Deeper roasts and more brewed coffee and espresso beverages have prompted the third wave of coffee. Beans are also grown on farms, not in villages. Baking, rather than roasting, is used to extract the distinct qualities of each bean. It has a clean, firm, and pure flavor.


According to the new toaster, lighter toasting can produce a nuttier flavor than simply toasting. As a result, the third wave of beans will be lighter. The third wave of brewers is experimenting with a variety of innovative brewing techniques in order to get the most taste out of their nuts. They include pouring (of many varieties), French press, pneumatic press, siphon, and so on. Some people with traditional beliefs will mock the third wave of toasters because it creates sweeter and stronger espresso. This is nearly always a double ristretto catch (approximately 20 grams of espresso per capture, compared to the previous standard of about 9 grams.)

根据新的烤面包机,较轻的烘烤可以产生比简单烘烤更坚果的味道。这样一来,第三波豆子就会变轻。第三波酿酒商正在尝试各种创新的酿造技术,以便从他们的坚果中获得最大的味道。它们包括浇注(多种)、法压机、气动压机、虹吸管等。一些有传统信仰的人会嘲笑第三波烤面包机,因为它创造出更甜、更浓的浓缩咖啡。这几乎总是两次 ristretto 捕获(每次捕获约 20 克浓缩咖啡,而之前的标准约为 9 克。)

Customers can generally observe the barista make drinks in the third wave of cafés because of the arrangement. The third wave of baristas resembles wine sommeliers in that they combine, and brew based on their knowledge and experience to make the greatest coffee beans. The third wave of coffee might be considered a part of the professional coffee movement on a global scale. The third generation of baristas is also proud of heating milk to achieve the perfect pourable micro-foam. They demonstrated perfection in the art of latte, which can be made even on the smallest Macchiato.


The third wave of coffee roasters incorporates their distinct backgrounds, histories, and abilities into the coffee beans they serve, resulting in somewhat varied blends. As a result, the third wave of roasters has enhanced the quality of coffee by focusing on the manufacturing, processing, and storage of coffee beans, as opposed to the prior wave. Any good third-wave coffee roaster will match the grind, dose, and temperature of the water on the device with care, resulting in aesthetically pleasing coffee.


Furthermore, Starbucks Frappuccino World appears to have sparked a new wave of coffee roasters. People involved with these cafes and grilling facilities seem devoted to the craft and art of creating outstanding coffee, from baristas to toasters. The third wave of coffee shop owners exclusively sells fair trade coffee, obtaining seeds directly from farmers or agricultural communities rather than going via intermediaries. It ensures that farmers obtain proper labor compensation rather than being compelled to share their income with third-party distributors through direct procurement. 


In conclusion, if I am a coffee drinker, I will participate in the third wave because third-wave coffee roasters are concerned with more than simply creating high-quality coffee, they are also interested in culture and experience.
