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International Marketing Note part 2 国际营销笔记 第 2 部分




globalization and global localization


The phenomenon that relationship between country become closer and global standardization through the communication, trading, investment and so on. Standardized product based on worldwide market.

通过交流、贸易、投资等方式,国家之间的关系变得更加紧密和全球标准化的现象。 基于全球市场的标准化产品。



Adaptation of strategies and allocation of resources based on the characteristic of the location to fit with the culture and demand of the locale. Think globally, act locally



EPRG Model


More focus on local business than international business. Usually, centralized command in local country and do not adapt product based on other counties demand.

比国际业务更关注本地业务。 通常,在当地集中指挥,不根据其他国家的需求调整产品。

Marketing perspective:

View every market as similar market which believe product and service could success in the home countries can successful anywhere.





Allowing the subsidiaries outside origin country has its own authorization for decision making. Decentralize, every company has its own management based on different country situation. Enhance equity and equal important to different countries domestic market.

允许在原产国以外的子公司有自己的决策授权。 分散,每个公司都有自己的管理根据不同的国家情况。 增强公平性,对不同国家的国内市场同等重要。


Marketing perspective:

View every country as special and unique countries. Every subsidiary should have it own strategy and adaptation.

将每个国家视为特殊和独特的国家。 每个子公司都应该有自己的战略和适应。



Region centrism地区中心主义

Focus on develop comprehensive regional market plan to enhance the standardization and localization of the market. Usually with the market that having similarities in term of cultural, political, and economic.

重点制定综合区域市场规划,提升市场标准化和本土化水平。 通常与在文化、政治和经济方面具有相似性的市场。


Marketing perspective:

Every region (an area, part of countries, or group of country) is unique. An integrated regional strategy should develop specially for that region.

每个地区(一个地区、国家的一部分或国家集团)都是独一无二的。 应专门为该地区制定综合区域战略。



Geo centrism全球中心主义

Complete focus on whole global market and develop plan, advertising and so on other marketing activity in term of worldwide scale. Focus on worldwide consumer that having similar characteristic.

完全专注于整个全球市场,并在全球范围内制定计划、广告等其他营销活动。 专注于具有相似特征的全球消费者。


Free trade area and custom union

Free Trade Area

Refer to two or more countries that agree to demolish all barriers include tariff and regulation for trading between them.



Custom Union关税同盟

An Evolution of the free trade agreement with bigger scale. The elimination of barriers include tariff between all the membership countries. However, the countries not membership will be collected same tariff if trade at membership countries.

更大规模的自由贸易协定演进。 消除壁垒包括所有成员国之间的关税。 但是,非会员国如果在会员国进行贸易,将收取相同的关税。


Different level of countries

Low-Income countries

·         GNI per capital of $1,005 or less

·         Limited industrialization, working opportunity and business development. But with high percentage in farming and birth rate

有限的工业化、工作机会和业务发展。 但是在农业和出生率方面的比例很高

·         E.g., Africa


Low-Middle-Income countries

·         GNI per capita: $1,006 to $3,955

·         Rapid market growth with mature standardizes industries.


·         Cheap motivate labor

·         E.g., India


Upper-Middle-Income Countries

·         GNP per capita: $3,956 to $12,235

·         Urbanization, advance education, rapid and high industrializing, less agricultural

·         E.g., China


High-Income Countries

·         GNI per capita: $12,236 or more

·         advanced, developed, industrialized, or postindustrial countries with sustained economic growth.


Newly Industrializing Economies (NIEs)

Refer to those Lower-middle- and upper-income countries that haven’t reached the standards of developed countries in terms of economy indicators but has already surpassed other developing countries in term of macroeconomics such as industrial output.



Common Market and Economic Union

Common Market

·         Elimination of internal barriers to trade but conduct common external barriers.



·         Allowing free movement of production factor between membership countries (such as labor, capital, and information.)



Economic Union经济同盟

Other the elimination of internal barrier, common external barrier, and free movement of production factor, it also unified economic policy of each membership countries.



For example:

·         Use Single currency

·         Common economy policy

·         Unified central bank and probably government