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Explain the origin of business strategy idea for the INTEL company.附汉语解释

The origin business strategy idea of intel is from 1968 to 1969, several of Silicon Valley's early semiconductor startups survived as integrated device manufacturers (IDMs). Intel is the only business that has managed to keep ahead of the competition. One explanation is a competitive culture based on institutional learning, which may be traced back to Gordon Moore's early Intel strategy. With the help of others, Moore developed a number of overlapping tactics for his success that are still in use today, while other Silicon Valley spinoffs mimicked Southwest heavyweights Motorola and Texas Instruments. At the time, some of them were working for other companies. Moore's approach is distinct in the number of variables he uses and how he uses them to coordinate his overall plan from supplier to organization to customer.

英特尔的商业战略理念起源于 1968 年至 1969 年,硅谷早期的几家半导体初创公司以集成设备制造商 (IDM) 的身份幸存下来。英特尔是唯一一家在竞争中保持领先的企业。一种解释是基于机构学习的竞争文化,这可以追溯到 Gordon Moore 早期的英特尔战略。在其他人的帮助下,摩尔为他的成功制定了许多重叠的策略,这些策略至今仍在使用,而其他硅谷衍生公司则模仿西南巨头摩托罗拉和德州仪器。当时,他们中的一些人正在为其他公司工作。摩尔的方法在他使用的变量数量以及他如何使用它们来协调他从供应商到组织再到客户的整体计划方面是不同的。

To be successful, businesses must design effective strategies and take action. These strategies are the product of rigorous evaluation of internal and external aspects that may have an impact on business success, such as competition, staffing, market demands, and economic impact. Businesses develop effective strategies by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and dangers that are specific to their operations.


First, strengths and opportunities. According to Lin Grensing-Pophal, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Strategic Planning, the strengths of the company and internal opportunities may generate strategic opportunities. Employee experience in a specific sector, easy access to cash resources for business expansion, or ownership of unique software or intellectual property that cannot be easily replicated are all examples of internal strengths. To obtain a competitive advantage, successful businesses establish plans based on identified strengths and opportunities.


For example, the strength of intel is that Intel has the world's highest market share and a significant brand value. Intel was the first business to invent the microprocessor, and it has followed this heritage by making technological improvements to it over time. It grew to become the world's largest and most dependable provider of personal computer services in the early 1990s. Intel Corporation has a large number of loyal clients all around the world, and many individuals are unfamiliar with any other brand than Intel. Other than that, the opportunity for intel is acquisition. Intel has made numerous acquisitions, invested in a variety of brands and R&D facilities, and generated outstanding outcomes. Now, IT firms must continue to pursue the same mergers and acquisitions strategy as before, as well as investments in other emerging firms. It will aid in the brand's diversification of resources and product portfolio expansion.

例如,英特尔的优势在于英特尔拥有全球最高的市场份额和显着的品牌价值。英特尔是第一个发明微处理器的企业,并且随着时间的推移对其进行技术改进,它继承了这一传统。在 1990 年代初期,它发展成为世界上最大和最可靠的个人计算机服务提供商。英特尔公司在全球拥有大量忠实客户,许多人对英特尔以外的任何品牌都不熟悉。除此之外,英特尔的机会是收购。英特尔进行了多次收购,投资了各种品牌和研发设施,并取得了出色的成果。现在,IT 公司必须继续追求与以前相同的并购战略,以及对其他新兴公司的投资。它将有助于品牌的资源多元化和产品组合扩展

In addition, threats and weaknesses. Weaknesses and threats lurk behind the strengths and opportunities. Vulnerabilities and threats are addressed through a variety of strategies aimed at minimizing or eliminating them. For example, if a company's internal weakness is high turnover, the business strategy might be to reduce turnover. Businesses may face dangers from the economy, and measures can be devised to mitigate those threats. For example, in a weakening economy travel agencies may devise tactics to focus on holidays near to home or provide higher levels of travel incentives to business travelers.


For example, the weakness of Intel is its competitors. Intel is the market leader in terms of CPUs and processors. That isn't to say the business isn't up against it. In truth, the industry is extremely competitive, and the company's market leadership is affected by the growth of competitors. The threat of intel is competition. Intel's key competitors include Samsung, Apple, IBM, and Qualcomm. Many Android and mobile companies, in fact, prefer Qualcomm and other companies' hardware over Intel's. It demonstrates a shift in market trends and preferences that is harmful to the business of tech corporations.

例如,英特尔的弱点是它的竞争对手。英特尔是 CPU 和处理器方面的市场领导者。这并不是说企业没有反对它。事实上,这个行业竞争非常激烈,公司的市场领先地位受到竞争对手的成长影响。英特尔的威胁是竞争。英特尔的主要竞争对手包括三星、苹果、IBM 和高通。事实上,许多安卓和移动公司更喜欢高通和其他公司的硬件,而不是英特尔的。它表明了市场趋势和偏好的转变,这对科技公司的业务有害。

In 2020, the covid-19 pandemic reduced Intel's net earnings by 18.19 percent. Because of office closures and closures, sales of computers and laptops have decreased. For example, Dell and HP  are customers of the company's products.

2020 年,covid-19 大流行使英特尔的净收益减少了 18.19%。由于办公室关闭和关闭,电脑和笔记本电脑的销量有所下降。例如,戴尔和惠普是该公司产品的客户。