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Cultural perspective you have to consider when open business in Malaysia

Power distance

The first cultural perspective that needs to be considered should be power distance. Normally, a great power distance will bring the unequal of the power separate, and influence the right of speaks, self-respect but it also brings benefit. A great power distance also brings a great sense of accomplishment, great confidence, and to win respect from others. This may be important as peruse of people in Malaysia and it will influence the employment rate, and also the quality of the employment. As conclude, high power distance may bring a good benefit to my business more than a disadvantage, and this is also because of high power distance already adapted in Malaysian, cannot be changed easily.


Other than that, individualism is also important as it will influence the efficiency of the work and also the staffing activity. For example, individual work cost fewer people involved but collectivism cost more people involved. Besides that, individual work may need a more skillful employee to do, but collectivism may good to compete with each other’s defect and improve together but it is a problem in communication with each other. Malaysian exhibits a collectivist culture, so the organization should have a good communication system such as a hierarchy communication system to help them transfer the information and to improve the efficiency of the work.

uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation

Next, about the uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation is also important but it was a factor that cannot fully control. However, these two cultural perspectives should be able to influence by giving suitable training, practice, or education to the employee, give them more experience and build up their own self-confidence, and so on to do a more accurate decision. For the last two culture perspective which is indulgence and masculinity, this two perspective is almost a totally out of control factor. What an organization can do is to set up an employee’s trial period and having a more sophisticated screening and hiring an employee to decrease the threat of hiring Malaysian employees.

working time

Besides that, working time is also counted as a perspective needs to be considered. Every races or religion has their own schedule due to their own event, festival or holiday, and it was important to them, so when setting up the working time should avoid the time of working same with the festival. This shall also avoid the influences on the employee feeling and increase their efficiency of working. Language is also very important when someday try to live of travel to another place. The language was the bridge of the communication, bridge of the relationship and also the understanding between each other, and it was the special sign of the human creature. Yet, the language was very important in the business, when you need to communicate with them your project, language is the things that make people understand with you. The same language has been used can also closer the relationship with the foreigner and creates intimacy with them to get the advantage in negotiation.

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