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Explain the rationale for an organization to want to market internationally

Globalizations are the common trends nowadays in era 2021, the development and advance of the technology have stimulated and enhanced the speed for the organization to go internationally such as the convenient logistic, telecommunication and so on. Due to this situation, the organization and businesses are able to access the international market much easier than before. However, it was few considerations before going internationally.

全球化是当今2021时代的普遍趋势,科技的发展和进步刺激和提高了便利物流、电信等组织走向国际的速度。 由于这种情况,组织和企业能够比以前更容易进入国际市场。 然而,在走向国际之前几乎没有考虑。

Increasing Of Profit Margins

Commonly the main rationale for the organization to want to engage in the international market was because of the increasing of profit margins. The local market in a country has its limitation, however, the international market is much bigger scale compared with the local market. It does mean that the capability in terms of profit margins was higher due to is based on a large amount of population. While the business is able to involve the more the international market, the more the potential consumer will have. In fact, distribution of the company products to additional countries and increasing the based consumer amount was the most effective approach to affect the profit margins and revenue. It is able to be seen that the user of a product was usually the judgment standard of the quality of the product.

通常,该组织想要进入国际市场的主要理由是利润率的增加。 一个国家的本地市场有其局限性,但国际市场的规模远大于本地市场。 这确实意味着由于基于大量人口,利润率方面的能力更高。 虽然企业能够参与的国际市场越多,潜在消费者就越多。 事实上,将公司产品分销到更多国家和增加基于消费者的数量是影响利润率和收入的最有效方法。 可以看出,产品的使用者通常是产品质量的判断标准。

Taking advantage of Currency Exchange

Other than a large number of based consumers, the currency exchange is always one of the focuses of the company while going internationally. The currency exchange could benefit the company and organization in terms of cost-saving. For example, if the company was operating their business in the U.S and earning a dollar, while it converts the dollar against another weak currency, it does earn a gap price from the currency exchange. It was significant while the exchange amount was huge. In fact, in Steam (gaming platform), Users always like to transfer user zone with VPN to buy cheaper games with another type of currency.

除了大量的基础消费者外,货币兑换始终是公司走向国际的重点之一。 货币兑换可以在节省成本方面使公司和组织受益。 例如,如果公司在美国经营业务并赚取 1 美元,当它将美元兑换成另一种弱货币时,它确实会从货币兑换中赚取差价。 在交易金额巨大的情况下,意义重大。 事实上,在 Steam(游戏平台)中,用户总是喜欢通过 VPN 转移用户区,以购买另一种货币的更便宜的游戏。

Achieving the Economic of Scale

Economic of Scale is one of the best approaches for the industry to decrease their cost. However, the achieving of the economy of scale would need a huge amount of based consumption. This is because Economic of Scale is enhancing the sharing of fixed costs such as machinery. In this situation, since the output increase more, the fixed cost would relatively be decreasing so as to reduce the total cost. While the company could engage in the international market and obtain a large number of consumers, it will be easier for the company to achieve the economics of scale.

规模经济是该行业降低成本的最佳方法之一。 然而,规模经济的实现需要大量的基础消费。 这是因为规模经济正在加强机械等固定成本的分摊。 在这种情况下,由于产量增加较多,固定成本会相对下降,从而降低总成本。 公司在涉足国际市场并获得大量消费者的同时,更容易实现规模经济。

Refreshing Of Product Life cycle.

Every product has its own product life cycle and lifespan which means every product will be declining someday. However, this problem is able to be solved by introducing the product in a new place and new consumer. While the same product stays in the market for a long time, it does affect by some effects like drug resistance to the consumer or so call the boring with the product. While the company is able to engage in international business and introduce its existing product in the international market, it should be able to extend more longer the lifespan of the existing product without wasting too much cost to develop the new product.

每个产品都有自己的产品生命周期和寿命,这意味着每个产品总有一天会衰落。 然而,这个问题可以通过将产品引入新的地方和新的消费者来解决。 虽然同一种产品在市场上停留了很长时间,但它确实会受到一些影响,例如对消费者的耐药性或对产品的厌倦感。 虽然公司能够从事国际业务并将其现有产品推向国际市场,但它应该能够在不浪费太多成本开发新产品的情况下延长现有产品的使用寿命。

Increasing of the Competitive Power

Another rationale for a company to go internationally will be the increasing of the competitive power in the market due to the competitive power being consumable instead of permanently preserved. The market was the place to compete with each other, and not the place for resting, staying competitive is always the key for the company to stay alive in the market. While a company stops growing, usually it’s not far from closing down. As the saying goes, like rowing a boat upstream, either go ahead or keep falling. The market was a battleground for the company and business so that competitiveness was so important for an organization. However, if the company is just staying with the local market, it does reach the limit someday, so expanding into the international market was a must to increase competition. In fact, if the company does not expand to the international market, their competitor will do it to catch the opportunity. In this situation, the competitor will grow but you will miss all the chances especially the revenue.


Accessibility to New Resources

Into deeper view, why the company goes internationally could increase the competitive power is actually due to the accessibility of the new resources such as the talent, material, and so on. In fact, the importing and exporting between the country are the common thing happen in nowadays market such as the exchanging of resources between the country due to its comparative advantages. Every country has its own advantages, while companies need to expand their business into those international markets to obtain the benefit from it. For example, it was undeniable that the research of artificial technology in Japan is more advanced compared with other countries. So that while the company was able to expand their business into that country, they could be easier to access and benefit from different countries' comparative advantages.

更深入地看,企业走出去之所以能够提高竞争力,其实是因为人才、材料等新资源的可及性。 事实上,国家之间的进出口是当今市场常见的事情,例如国家之间由于其比较优势而进行的资源交换。 每个国家都有自己的优势,而企业需要将业务扩展到这些国际市场才能从中受益。 例如,不可否认,日本对人工技术的研究与其他国家相比更为先进。 这样,虽然公司能够将业务扩展到那个国家,他们可以更容易地获得不同国家的比较优势并从中受益。

Diversifying of the Business

Diversifying the product and business is always the best approach for the company to grow its business. The international market provides a large-based amount of consumers for the company so that those consumers will have their own different demands for the products. In this situation, the company could adapt its product and services based on the different demands and preferences of the consumer in the international market.

产品和业务的多元化始终是公司发展业务的最佳途径。 国际市场为公司提供了大量的消费者,这些消费者对产品会有不同的需求。 在这种情况下,公司可以根据消费者在国际市场上的不同需求和偏好来调整其产品和服务。