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case study - Jaguar's Passage to India Question 1 with answer (chinese translation)

Why has JLR prospered under the ownership of Tata Motors?

Jaguar and land rover, as two types of popular brands located in British countries. JLR is the integration of the jaguar and the land rover which was pre-own by the British Leyland. However, due to various reasons cause that the British Leyland has faced financial critical issues. This case has caused British Leyland to have insufficient capital to continue operating the brand of the jaguar and land rover.


The only solution that British Leyland choose is to sell its brand to another company for exchanging for capital to solve the problem. After being resold to the different companies several times finally fall on the hand of tata company with the low price of $2.3 billion since the year 2008. Some people might think that tata company as the Indian automobile industry may affect the JLR product quality since there are gaps between India and British in terms of technology, cultural view, and other elements. This should probably cause the failure of the Jaguar and land rover.

英国利兰选择的唯一解决方案是将其品牌出售给另一家公司以换取资金来解决问题。多次转卖给不同公司后,最终以2008年以来23亿美元的低价落到了塔塔公司的手上。 有人可能认为塔塔公司作为印度汽车行业可能会影响捷豹路虎的产品质量,因为有印度和英国在技术、文化观和其他方面的差距。这可能会导致捷豹和路虎的故障。

In fact, it actually does not affect that much. Even India tata has bought the jaguar and land rover, but it gave JLR a certain authority to operate its manufacturer. In this case, JLR still belongs to the British manufacturer company, but tata company is only receiving its dividend profit every financial period. In other term, JLR is just finding themselves an investor to obtain the monetary supply. In this case, JLR is able to ensure and maintain its vehicle at a certain quality and business model as usual. However, the capital supply from tata automobile is just the main surviving and operation.


The main important reason that actually brings Jaguar and land rover rise is the joint venture with the China company is the Chery automobile. This action has caused a significant increase in the sales of JLR in the China market. Even more, JLR is coming out with 5 locally assembled products such as the land Rover Evoque, jaguar XFL, and so on. By using local produce, it allows the JLR to adapt and customization the vehicle based on the trends, culture, and taste of the local consumer. Even more, local production is able to help JLR to prevent from paying the customs tariff. In fact, this strategy has increased the JLR sales from 92,474 units to 146,399 units in the China market.

真正带来捷豹和路虎崛起的主要原因是与中国公司的合资企业是奇瑞汽车。此举使得捷豹路虎在中国市场的销量大幅增长。更重要的是,捷豹路虎还将推出路虎极光、捷豹XFL等5款本土组装产品。通过使用当地产品,JLR 可以根据当地消费者的趋势、文化和品味来调整和定制车辆。更重要的是,本地生产能够帮助捷豹路虎避免支付关税。事实上,这一策略使捷豹路虎在中国市场的销量从 92,474 辆增加到 146,399 辆。

At last, since the year 2017, the reputation and sales of the Jaguar and land rover have significantly dropped in the China market due to several reasons, especially quality issues. This has forced the breaking of the joint venture between JLR and Chery and brought JLR a huge loss,


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