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Is Subway successful in terms of thinking globally and acting locally?赛百味在全球化思维和本地化行动方面是否成功?

 Does Subway think globally and act locally?

Think globally and act locally is referred to the unified planning of global marketing strategy, but at the same time also making adaptation according to the characteristics, the culture of the local market to achieve efficiency. In this case, Subway has achieved to think globally, also act locally as part of it. Subway is different from other fast-food restaurants such as the KFC and McDonald's that always try to localize its product such as Burger nasi lemak, Subway has chosen to adhere to its own special formula and let the consumer around the world able to enjoy the same recipe, services, and product.


At the same time, Subway is actually making adaptations on the advertising according to the location. One of the examples, Subway is implementing localization in India, such as introducing sandwiches without pork and meat due to religious issues. Even so, the advertising of subway also changes to “SubWaah” to fit with Indian Mind. This evidence has proved that Subway has worked on localization. However, even the common operation of the subway could be counted as successful but localization of subway in India seen be like not that effective. In fact, the subway has closed up quite many stores in recent years. 

同时,赛百味实际上是在根据位置对广告进行改编。其中一个例子是赛百味正在印度实施本地化,例如由于宗教问题而推出不含猪肉和肉类的三明治。即便如此,地铁的广告也改为“SubWaah”,以契合Indian Mind。这一证据证明赛百味一直致力于本地化。然而,即使是普通的地铁运营也算成功,但印度地铁的本土化似乎没有那么有效。事实上,地铁这几年关门的店也不少。