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Research Methodology Note Part 1 研究方法论笔记


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Research Methodology Note Part 1 研究方法论笔记


Research Methodology Note Part 2 研究方法论笔记


Research Methodology Note Part 3 研究方法论笔记


What is reliability in research methodology? And the threat for validity in Research


What is the function and preparation of writing Critical Review in the research methodology?




when do you need business research?


While you need to conduct new marketing activities


While you need to understand your consumer preferences.


Before launching new business activity.


Market segmentation


Evaluate potential and probability.


Evaluate business related performance (e.g., brand awareness, product satisfaction.)



Why business research needs to be conduct time to time?


Business research are purposely to investigate, analyze and understand the information in the market to choose and fit with their best strategy adaptation. However, market is form by huge amount of consumer data which make the situation too complex and hard to be fully predict. Even so, while time over time, the consumer data will continues change such as their preference, technology, and etc. This has caused the durability and accurate of the data collected has become limited and shorten time over time. In this case, to ensure the accurate of the data and effectiveness of business activity, the business research would be required to be conduct time to time.


商业研究旨在调查、分析和了解市场信息,以选择并适应其最佳策略调整。 然而,市场是由大量的消费者数据构成的,这使得情况过于复杂,难以完全预测。 即便如此,随着时间的推移,消费者的数据会不断发生变化,例如他们的偏好、技术等。这导致所收集数据的持久性和准确性变得有限,并随着时间的推移而缩短。 在这种情况下,为确保数据的准确性和业务活动的有效性,需要不时进行业务研究。


3 common types of research


Exploratory Research探索性研究

Type of research that conduct while the most element are not clear, which use to determine the direction, scope, and understand the nature of the problem, identify the problem and etc. It was able to clarify the concept, clear articulate the issues and make assumptions.

在大多数元素不明确的情况下进行的研究类型,用于确定方向,范围,理解问题的性质,识别问题等。它能够澄清概念,明确表达问题并做出 假设.


Descriptive research

The research that conducts by describing the characteristic of the issues and population to identify the clues for further investigation and research analyses. It was common use in the epidemiological.

通过描述问题和人口的特征来确定进一步调查和研究分析的线索的研究。 它在流行病学中很常见。


causal research

To investigate and analyze the relationship between different element and variables in the experiment such as what is the reason, and what is the impact. For example, people eat (Impact) due to hungry (reason),

调查和分析实验中不同元素和变量之间的关系,例如原因是什么,影响是什么。 例如,人们因饥饿(原因)而吃(影响),


Causal inferences.


It was to conduct more scientific research to learn about the relationship/association between variable or independent. It analyzes the response of different variables while been stimulate by certain object or reason happen. It usually can be three form which is identify result from the cause, trace the result back to the cause, and conclude new result from existing result.

这是为了进行更多的科学研究以了解变量或独立之间的关系/关联。 它分析不同变量在受到特定对象或原因的刺激时的反应。 它通常可以是三种形式,即从原因识别结果,将结果追溯到原因,并从现有结果得出新结果。


Probability / non-probability sampling


Probability sampling随机抽样

It was also known as random sampling, which mean that every unit in the population are having the same chance and opportunity to be selected for researching. For example, simple random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster random sampling and so on.

它也被称为随机抽样,这意味着人口中的每个单位都有相同的机会和机会被选中进行研究。 例如,简单随机抽样、系统抽样、群体随机抽样等。


Advantages: prevent sampling bias / More suitable for represent huge population with more general acceptable result.

Disadvantages: higher cost and time consuming / not accurate for more specific research for certain smaller group of population.



Non-Probability sampling非随机抽样

Known as non-random sampling. It refers to the investigator select the samples according to their own judgement and convenience. For example, quota sampling, purposive sampling, voluntary sampling and so on.

称为非随机抽样。 是指研究者根据自己的判断和方便选择样本。 例如,配额抽样、目的抽样、自愿抽样等。


Advantages: Less time and cost consuming / Suitable for small research with less sample, specific research

Disadvantages: High possibilities of bias / non accuracy in represent the huge population and sample / could be harder to find specific type of population sample

Sampling and Systematic (non-sampling) errors.


Sampling errors抽样误差

It refers to the error the cause by the selection of the samples do not fit with the requirement of research, which mean cannot fully represent the population in research. It was unavoidable for the survey that only draw part of population. Usually, investor will try to reduce the sampling error to a certain level of acceptable range to improve the accuracy of research.

是指由于样本选择不符合研究要求而导致的误差,即不能完全代表研究的总体。 只吸引部分人口的调查在所难免。 通常,投资者会尽量将抽样误差降低到一定程度的可接受范围内,以提高研究的准确性。


Non-Sampling error抽样误差

Refer to all the error happen other than sampling error. Also known as “working error” which mostly cause by human factor in the investigation process. For example, the unclear questioning, misunderstanding of question, error in recording data and so on.

指除采样错误之外的所有错误。 也称为“工作错误”,主要是调查过程中人为因素造成的。 例如提问不明确、提问误解、记录数据错误等。