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What is realiability in research methodology? And the threat for validality in Research

What is reliability?

Reliability could refer to the accuracy of the measurement by looking at the consistency of the calculations, observation, analysis, and other test results. While the result of the test could be logical, reasonable, consistent, and not changing every time while test, it could be counted as reliable. It usually requires a certain number of samples and tests to support its reliability It could divide into internal and external reliability. Internal reliability is to measure the consistency of the subject itself without being affected by other factors. External reliability is to measures the degree of difference of the subject for different purposes.

可靠性可以通过查看计算、观察、分析和其他测试结果的一致性来指测量的准确性。 虽然测试的结果可能是合乎逻辑的、合理的、一致的,并且在每次测试时都不会发生变化,但它可以算作可靠。 它通常需要一定数量的样本和测试来支持其可靠性。它可以分为内部可靠性和外部可靠性。 内部信度是在不受其他因素影响的情况下衡量主体本身的一致性。 外部信度是衡量主体在不同目的上的差异程度。

Threats to validity? 

History – The threats occur from cross-functional between the time period factor and experimental variable in the experiment.

历史 - 威胁来自实验中时间段因素和实验变量之间的跨功能。

Maturation – Refer to the threat that occurs while the psychology of the subjects has changed, such as becoming more mature, losing interest, upset with the experiment, etc.


Selection – The thread that occurs while experimenting is unable to use the randomization approach and has been effect by some factors such as the bias on choosing. It is related to the diversity and unity of samples.

选择 - 实验时出现的线程无法使用随机化方法,并且受到选择偏差等一些因素的影响。它与样本的多样性和统一性有关。

Testing – The effect of pre-test may bring impact to the post-test


Experimental mortality – Due to various reasons that cause subjects to withdraw or be unable to continue in the middle of an experiment. It causes research unable to collect the appropriate results.


Instrumentation – Refer to the threat that occurs by the improper use of the instrument during the experiment. For example, the instruments failure, materials, research kit problem, etc.


participant error and bias – threat occur while the different perception, thinking, and behavior or some poor condition of the researcher. It could probably cause a false response or some fairness issues.
