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Logistic Study question -Determine five (5) reason the increased importance of logistics

improvement of the quality of life.

The first reason will be the improvement of the quality of life. Nowadays, the personal requirement for a better life is much higher than before, such as the smartphone nowadays is almost becoming the necessary product for the personal. This also means that the demand for the product and goods is growing higher and higher than before as the quality of life nowadays is improving. When the demand grows higher, logistics also become really important as there are more goods and services that need to be transported to different destinations. If a company has effective logistics, it will become the key and proof of the company to handle a higher demand of the market.

第一个原因将是生活质量的改善。 如今,个人对更好生活的要求比以前要高得多,例如,如今的智能手机几乎已成为个人必备的产品。 这也意味着,随着当今生活质量的提高,对产品和商品的需求与以前相比越来越高。 当需求增长时,物流也变得非常重要,因为有更多的商品和服务需要运输到不同的目的地。 如果公司有有效的物流,它将成为公司应对更高市场需求的关键和证明。

higher requirements of the consumer

The second reason is the higher requirements of the consumer. The consumer nowadays is asking and requiring for faster delivery and reaching time, and also non-damage products. Compared with before, the goods may only send and reach over one month, but nowadays consumers will ask to reach them in one week. The transit time has already become one of the most important considerations of the consumer to buy the product as consumers want to obtain the product as fast as they can. When the requirement is higher, the flow of the logistic becomes so important as how to reach faster without damage the product while sending a lot of goods and less cost.

第二个原因是消费者的更高要求。 如今,消费者要求并且要求更快的交货和到达时间以及无损产品。 与以前相比,这些商品只能发送并到达一个月以上,但如今,消费者将要求在一周内到达。 由于消费者希望尽快获得产品,因此运输时间已经成为消费者购买产品的最重要考虑因素之一。 当需求更高时,物流的流动就变得如此重要,以至于如何在不造成产品损坏的情况下更快地达到目标,同时又能运送大量的货物并降低成本。

technological advances.

The third reason will be the technological advances. Technology is always improving day by day, compared with before, the goods are only sent by carriage and sailing by wind and so on. Today the technology has created the lorry, train, plane better transportation which allows for the bigger capacity and faster delivery. However, the development of technology also means a higher and faster demand for resource usage. At the same time, logistics play an important role to provide support in the faster transportation and trade of the bigger amount of the resources as the technology develops faster.

第三个原因将是技术进步。 技术总是在不断进步,与以前相比,货物只能通过马车运输和风帆航行等等。 如今,该技术已经为卡车,火车和飞机创造了更好的运输方式,从而可以实现更大的容量和更快的交付。 但是,技术的发展也意味着对资源使用的需求越来越高。 同时,随着技术的发展,物流在为更快的运输和大量资源的贸易提供支持方面起着重要的作用。


The next reason will be globalization. Globalization emphasizes trade between countries and international which means the products and goods also become more needed to export and deliver to other countries. However, exporting products and goods internationally is actually increasing the difficulty and workload of logistics. For example, inside the countries can just send the product by train or lorry which has a cheaper cost and fewer goods. However, if the goods need to be sent abroad, they need to be transported by using the ship or plane with higher cost and higher profit and profit to cover back the transport cost.

下一个原因将是全球化。 全球化强调国家与国际之间的贸易,这意味着产品和商品也越来越需要出口和交付给其他国家。 但是,向国际出口产品和商品实际上增加了物流的难度和工作量。 例如,在国内,可以通过火车或货车运输产品,而这些产品的成本较低且商品较少。 但是,如果需要将货物运送到国外,则需要使用成本更高,利润和利润更高的船或飞机来运输,以弥补运输成本。

change in consumer behavior

The FIfth reason is the change in consumer behavior. More change in consumer behavior actually means that more diversification of the consumer is needed to be made to meet the requirement of the consumer. However, when there is more diversification, the logistics become more important to make sure the goods and products meet the diversification. For example, some of the goods that allow consumers to customize based on the consumer-preferred, and this type of goods has made the logistics harder to divide and manage the special product which also increases the workload of the logistics.

第五个原因是消费者行为的改变。 消费者行为的更多改变实际上意味着需要使消费者更加多样化以满足消费者的需求。 但是,当多样化程度更高时,物流就显得尤为重要,以确保商品和产品满足多样化要求。 例如,一些允许消费者根据消费者偏爱进行定制的商品,这种商品使物流难以划分和管理特殊产品,这也增加了物流的工作量。

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