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Clarify the five (5) general types of information systems and give one logistics application for each one that you’ve named.

office automation systems

The first general type of information system will be the office automation systems. The office automation system is to provides support to the users to manage the business data more easily and faster by providing some of the automation steps. For example, there will be some of the popular software that is known by many people as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and so on. Inside this type of software has provided users with convenient tools, such as auto typing by sound, and also the auto calculations.

第一类通用信息系统将是办公自动化系统。 办公自动化系统将通过提供一些自动化步骤,为用户提供更轻松,更快速地管理业务数据的支持。 例如,将会有一些流行的软件被许多人称为Microsoft Excel,Microsoft Word等。 这种软件内部为用户提供了方便的工具,例如声音自动键入以及自动计算。

communication system

The second information system will be the communication system. This system is to shorten the time and range of communication, interaction, and information sharing through some of the devices or apps and software. For example, nowadays many people will have WeChat, messenger, whatapps and other similar apps on the phone to make communication become easier and faster and also less costly.

第二信息系统将是通信系统。 该系统旨在缩短通过某些设备或应用程序和软件进行通信,交互以及信息共享的时间和范围。 例如,如今许多人将在手机上使用微信,Messenger,whatapps和其他类似的应用程序,以使通信变得更加轻松,快捷且成本更低。

management information system

The third will be the management information system which is also called MIS. This system is a type of computer system which includes the cooperation between the hardware and software. This system will have the record and convert the data information into a central database and make data ready to be accessed by users. For example, the stock control system, and the order processing system.

第三个将是管理信息系统,也称为MIS。 该系统是一种计算机系统,其中包括硬件和软件之间的协作。 该系统将具有记录并将数据信息转换为中央数据库,并使数据准备好供用户访问。 例如,库存控制系统和订单处理系统。

transaction processing system

The fourth will be the transaction processing system. This system will collect the set of information of the transaction process and store it into the database system to provide support to the users to monitor and manage the process rate and so on. For example, the electronic data interchange and point of sales system.

第四个将是交易处理系统。 该系统将收集交易过程的信息集并将其存储到数据库系统中,以为用户提供监视和管理过程速率等的支持。 例如,电子数据交换和销售点系统。

decision support system

The fifth system will be the decision support system. The decision support system is to collect the integrate all the useful information, models, and data analysis tools for the decision-maker to make a more accurate decision based on the situation. For example, the warehouse management system.

第五个系统将是决策支持系统。 决策支持系统将收集所有有用的信息,模型和数据分析工具的集成,以便决策者根据情况做出更准确的决策。 例如,仓库管理系统。

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