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Chapter 5

Corporate borrowings (Debts)

Two types of debts:

Loan = Private debt

Bonds = Public debt

Loan provided by financial institutions

Loan for day-to-day operations

= working capital loans

Equipment or property purchasing

= transaction loans

Pro and cons of Debt Placements


·         Speed

·         Cost reducing

·         Financial flexibility

·         Freedom to choose investor.

·         Save cost and time.


·         Interest costs

·         Less potential investor


Three basic functions of investment

1.      Underwriting

·         Underwriting as a middleman between company and investor in the stock markets.

·         Underwriting(包销)do not have to bear the risk of securities(证券) not finish sold.

·         Suitable for those company who are lack of visibility and experience but needed to raise funds quickly.


2.      Advising证卷咨询


3.      Distributing证卷发行


Basic features of bond

·         Par value/face value

·         Coupon Interest rate

·         Maturity and repayment of principal

·         Risk and rating

·         Tax status

Yield to Maturity (YTM)

Also, know as expected return, refer to the final return of interest and profit at the end of the repayment period.


Bond value



= (PV of bonds interest+ PV of face value)


Yield to maturity



A= (NPV a / NPV a- NPV b) * rate b- rate a


Type of yield

·         Nominal Yield

·         Current Yield

·         Yield to maturity

·         Yield to call

Difference between current yield and YTM

Current yield当期收益率

·         The actual profit that straight produce by interest.

·         Not show total return in future

Yield to maturity到期收益率

·         The total rate of return that receive with the bonds after it grows mature.

·         The most useful type of yield that investor pay attention to.


Relationship between YTM and bonds value

·         The value of bonds was inversely related to changes in the market that requires YTM.

·         The value of bonds will be lesser than the par value if the market is requiring YTM.

·         While reaching maturity date, the value of bonds approaches its par value.

·         Longer YTM bonds usually have a greater interest rate then the short YTM bonds.

Characteristic of bonds

·         Coupon level

·         Abnormal risk

·         Convertibility

·         Amortizing / non-amortizing

·         Security / insecurity

·         Initial offering market

·         Priority of claiming

More Info:

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