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Macroeconomic chapter 7 - Monetary policy

Chapter 7

Monetary policy

The actions the federal use to manage the interest rate, money supply to achieve certainly macroeconomic policy goals.


Such as:

·         High employment

·         Economic growth

·         Stability of financial markets

·         Price stability

·         Supply stability.

·         Money supply

·         Interest rate


Three monetary policy tools

·         Open market operations

·         Discount policy

·         Reserve requirements.


How federal manage money supply?

Bought of the securities(证券)

-increase the money supply


selling of the securities (证券)

-decrease the money supply


increase the Reserve requirements for banks. (准备金)

-decrease in money supply


decrease the Reserve requirements for banks. (准备金)

-increase in money supply



Lower interest rate

-increase in money supply


Higher interest rate

-decrease in money supply

Two models of interest rate.

The loanable funds model. 可贷资金

·         Investors allow other people to use his fund in a period in order to make a profit.

·         Concern with the long-term real rate of interest.


The money market model. 货币市场

·         Concern with short term real rate of interest, usually less than 1 year.

·         Include short term bonds, commercial paper, short term securities and so on.

·         Less risk high liquidity, short transaction period.

Taylor rules Formula



=current inflation rate+ Equilibrium real federal funds rate+ (1/2* inflation gap) +(1/2 *output gap)

Inflation Targeting


·         If the forecast result is higher than target inflation rate, a contractionary monetary policy (紧缩性货币政策)will be taken.



·         If the forecast result is lower than target inflation rate, an expansionary monetary policy(扩张性货币政策) will be taken.


·         If the forecast result is near to target inflation rate, monetary policy remains unchanged.



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