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With the development of modern society is the loss of traditional ways of life. Is it important to keep our traditional ways of life? How can this be achieved?

In my own opinion, the traditional ways are important and it should also keep it stay. In this modern society, almost everything becomes convenient but however, it also makes life become hard. Because of that, what may we always found in daily life is that everybody is working hard, hurrying, and suffering for life for some water, food, and stay. A consistent lifestyle every day has also limited the human ourselves and the way of thinking. In this busy situation, the traditional ways of life may be a refreshment and a guideline for us to avoid falling and find a new way to live.

How should we keep the traditional lifestyle in this sociality, when we discuss traditionally, we may associate it with history, then we need to talk about the museum. We know that the museum is the place that saves and keeps history. It should also work well in the keeping and saving of the traditional. It has been suggesting setting up a traditional museum to keep the traditional tool such as the hand spade or the garden trowel. This may help the people to remember back how the life of the old-time is.


Other than that, spreading of the information is also a good method to keep the tradition in the mind of people. People nowadays are always using the internet and its already become part of the life of the human. So, what should be done is to insert more traditional data and sort it up to provide people an easier channel to get to know about traditional. The government of the related organization can also have the experience camp or the lecture for the people to join and understanding more about tradition.


Besides that, people’s life will not lack entertainment. To keep the tradition get the people to know more about traditional, the film and television industry has played an important role also. For example, the television session, long film, and short film, and anime. The industry can implement some or more traditional lifestyle scenes into it to help more people get to know the traditional ways of life.

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