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Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a business research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.

There are two types of research methodologies which are quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research is easier to define and identify than compared with qualitative research. Data produced always in numerical and analyzed by using statistical and mathematical methods. The common sources of quantitative data are secondary data, surveys, and observations. For the qualitative always in language or words, there are no involve any numbers or numerical data. The common sources of qualitative data are secondary data, observations, interviews, and focus groups.

Quantitative research has been used in this research project because it has several advantages. Data collection can be done rapidly through quantitative research. It is because data points involve experiments, surveys, and real-time collecting. Quantitative research uses the random process to gather information to prevent bias from entering the data. This presents an additional advantage because the information provided through this method can be statistically applied to other populations.

Researchers can summarize the findings through quantitative research. The data collected by other research methods cannot be generalized. Quantitative data may provide an overview rather than specificity when viewing a target group, but it also makes it possible to identify the core topics, needs, and wants. Every finding developed in this way can go beyond the participant groups to cover the overall demographics of interest in this work. This will determine the problem areas before the difficulty begins.

Due to the anonymity involved, researchers always use quantitative data when viewing sensitive topics. People do not need to clearly identify themselves in the data collected. Even if a survey or interview is assigned to everyone, their personal information will not appear in the form. This setup reduces the risk of erroneous results because some research participants are disturbed or ashamed about the topic discussions involving them.

Quantitative research can be performed remotely which means no need to report to specific locations to collect data. Researchers can talk to a person over the phone, conduct an online survey, or use other methods that information can be transferred from one party to another. Although the questions asked or level of difficulty affects the number of people participants, the real cost factor for participants is their time. That makes this option much cheaper than other research methods.


A questionnaire is a research tool that typed or printed a series of questions and answers to choices for investigation or statistical research. These answers should be marked by the respondents. It contains a set of well-formed formal questions that are mailed to respondents or manually delivers to them for the answer. Respondents should read, understand and give their answers in the space provided in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is very cheap and almost no cost because can placed on websites or emailed to potential respondents. In particular, the questionnaire does not require the use of surveyors for face-to-face interviews, this is a cost-efficient method to quickly gather large amounts of data from a large number of people in a relatively short period.

In addition to being cheap, a questionnaire also a practical way to collect the data. They can be managed in a variety of ways for the group chosen. Users can choose which questions to ask and the format (open-ended questions or multiple choices). A questionnaire provides a way to collect large amounts of data about any topic and it can be used in a variety of ways.

Surveys and questionnaires are quantitative in nature and can easily analyze results. Researchers can use the built-in tools to analyze the results without the statistical or scientific background. For example, Survey Anyplace provides the interpret reports and visualizations, which means that researchers can turn the data into results quickly. These results can be placed in various charts for presentation.

Google Forms

Google Forms, a free online tool to collect data and information efficiently. It also has stored the feedbacks received from respondents, so researchers can analyze the information in detail. With this tool, researchers free to get unlimited questions and answers which other survey tools require the payment for the number of questions and recipients.

Researchers can create a survey easily in a few minutes in Google Forms. An easy-to-use interface makes it easy to create and deploy forms. Anyone with general computer knowledge can create the forms the deploy them. Researchers can send the link on social networks, email the form and integrate it into the website. Forms that integrated with the Google Sheets which making it easy for spreadsheets to view the collected data.

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