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Explain Aravind key success factors as Social enterprise.


Every success looks very proud and glorious, but it was always something cruel and hard behind the success. This was also the same with the Aravind eye system that creates and found by Dr. V. We should also know that everything starts from nothing, the same logic also for the business. When they are nothing, which also means that a lot of trying is needed for improvement. At the first develop 30 years of Aravind, their strategy is still not yet fix and muchly using an experimentation model. Any idea that thinks and suggests from the member will focus on the leadership team and high chance to give it a try. After the idea or suggestion been implementing, they will have some analysis on it about how the impact is, is that beneficial or ineffective is that the output worth the input. Other than that, adaption and improvement will also be implemented based on the idea suggestion. Repeating and repeating non-stop until finding a suitable and best result of the idea suggestion to implement based on the situation. Till today, Aravind has become a successful social entrepreneur and we can conclude out about 5 key factors of success.


The first key factor of the success of the Aravind was highly focused on cataract treatment. This was a really important point because the disease in the world which are already known was over 10 thousand, every disease has a different treatment, it was impossible to treat every disease because that costs a lot of different type of the resources. Even more, the first start of the Aravind eye hospital was just a small entrepreneur, a good target focusing is the best way to use limited resources effectively and efficiently. Based on the data on the cause of the blindness in India, which was the location of the Aravind eye hospital, the major reason that causes blindness in India was the cataract. This was also mean that if Aravind focuses on the cataract, it may maximize the number of beneficiaries and minimize other unnecessary expenses such as a medical tool that needed in other treatment, other specialties.


The second key factor of the success of the Aravind is the suitable segmentation client and quality assurance. The main and core mission of the creation of the Aravind eye hospital is to serve the poor, address the medical needs of the poor who are mainly live in rural areas. Segmentation of the client is also an important step in using the resources more effectively and efficiently. Dr. V was setting up eye screening camps in the rural area to reach the poorer people. This has shown that Dr. V has found and used the blind spot which is rural area is lack of medical support and poorer people are also potential customers. The setting up of the eye screening camps is also functioning as a scout which was helpful in finding and filter to searching the patient who has true need of the eye problem and not just waiting for the customer to come. After finding out the patient, Aravind also provided the patient with more other welfare and convenience such as the food and busing services to motivate the patients to accept the treatment. Other than that, the eye screening camps also function as the promotion central to make more people know about it and gather the customer. Besides that, Aravind is also providing quality assurance for both pay and the free patient to a certain extent. For example, Aravind will provide different quality beds, comfortable lounge, air conditioning, and so on for paid patients, but the same team of surgeons is been provide for both paying and free. This has become an attraction point for poorer people because the most important service is still the same. The most important was, this strategy has set up a balance of the financial by using the surplus earned by the paying customer to cover back the consumption of free customers. 


The third key success factors are the comprehensive focus on operational efficiency and cost control. Until today which has a better education system, the doctors are still a scarce human resource, the ophthalmologists are even scarcer than ordinary doctors. Between the year 1970 and the year 1980, there are only about twelve thousand ophthalmologists in India. Furthermore, some of the complex surgery requires more than one ophthalmologist to handle. This has shown how important is the well-managed control and management in the operation of Aravind. Aravind eye hospital has a great “assembly” line system which able to divide all the patients into different groups and priorities based on the surgical stage. For example, anesthesia, sterilization, and so on. After that, assign the appropriate staff to each stage and perform their work within the specific work area. This will effectively reduce the moving time of the medical personnel and reduce the incident caused by congestion such as tipping transported medicament. Reduce the moving time is actually shortens the waiting time between each surgery and executes the medical treatment most effectively and decreases wastage of time and resources. Moreover, Aravind will also provide specific training for their medical personnel to improve their skill so that each person may doing well and doing more in work. To conclude, Aravind is doing well in control and manage resources and cost.


Fourth, a necessary resource for an entrepreneur is human power or human resources, it was the same thing for a hospital to operation. In a hospital, it will be needing some specific skill staff, such as the nurse and doctor will be two of the indispensable elements. However, nurses and doctors are always a scarce profession.  If the lack of the nurse and doctors, the hospital won’t be able to handle the great number of the patient and even unable to perform daily operation well. This makes Aravind is choosing to absorb the talent from the rural are because people in rural areas are commonly poor and don’t have enough money to study more higher education and it was hard to find occupations in the city. At the same time, Aravind is using this blind spot again and trying to cultivate and train its own employee from the rural area which has the best suit with the hospital needs and operation. In fact, Aravind has provided common training for the unemployed woman, and in the training, Aravind will also try to channel them to develop the skill which related with the specific area such as the operation room, wards, medical record and so on. In consequence, the title of free training and the high employment rate has greatly attracted the unemployed woman and there are also about 98% of the trainee has successfully completed the training and been absorb into the Aravind system. The providing of free training also brings another benefit. The training that provides for a long period has made the trainee suit and quickly familiar with the hospital job and stress. This has made the trainee should be able to adapt to the hospital heavy work, this shall also decrease the turnover rate of employment and create loyalty of employer as well. Indirectly, this will decrease the time and cost that consuming for training. 


Fifth, Aravind is doing good in encouragement and forming the spirit for service. At this point may be mentioned the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the self-actualization is at the top need of human. Aravind always tries the best to support and encourage the doctors for the research activities, even it was a cutting-edge technique. Moreover, Aravind also provides high-end technology equipment to support both medical treatment and research. This will totally bring growth to the employee to fulfill their self-actualization needs. Not only that, and this will also bring Aravind a great reputation in the medical field and make Aravind become a medical shrine. Indirectly, this shall able to attract more talented employees to work at Aravind and more patients will choose to give their trust to Aravind. Other than that, the return of the patient to give thanks or gift to the doctors and nurse is also become the encouragement and motivation to the doctors and nurse to continue their work well. As to conclude, people may try to ask themselves if they not continue to work in such a good working environment and condition, where’s to go? Under these two conditions, it has already given Aravind’s employees enough reason to stay and work well at Aravind.

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