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供应链笔记Supply Chain note Part 2 with Chinese Translation




Consideration While choosing Warehouse Location


Capability / Capacity

The bigger the warehouse, the higher the stock capability so that company could handle larger amount of order at the peak demand periods.


Responsiveness / Flexibility

The range between warehouse and consumer location will directly affect the time usage to transfer the goods and product. The closer the range, the shorten the time needed.



Include the Rented and land cost, taxes, salary of delivery staff, transportation cost, utility costs, etc.


Road traffic flow

The capability of the road to handle different type of transportation. The aerate speed of traffic and its peak period.




The warehouse location that near to supportive infrastructure is more convenient such as the airport, railway and ports, highway, supplier and so on.


Resources availability& accessibility

An operation of the warehouse requires many resources. For example, the workforces, product from supplier.


Environment and safety

Warehouse is the places of stocking the product which require to be safe from threat before sending to consumer. So that warehouse should not be risk from natural disaster. For example, warehouse should locate at higher ground to prevent the risk of stagnant water.


Framework for Network Design Decisions in the Supply Chain

Phase 1: Define Supply chain Strategy

Phase 2: Define Regional Facility configuration

Phase 3: Identify Potential Location

Phase 4: Select the locations.

Components of Inventory Decisions

·         Seasonal Inventory

·         Safety Inventory

·         Cycle Inventory

·         Level of Product availability.

Expanding of strategic scope

Scope of strategic fit

Intra-functional scope

Inter-functional scope

Intercompany scope

Agile company scope

Financial Measures of Formula

Return of Equity

ROE = Net Income / Average shareholder equity


Return of Asset

ROA = Earnings before Interest / average total assets


Account payable turnover

APT= cost of goods sold / account payable


Account receivable turnover

ART = Sales revenue / Account receivable


Inventory turnover

INVY = cost of goods sold / inventories


Property, plant, and equipment turnover

PPER = Sales revenue / PP& E