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Nordstrom Case study Answer-Question 4 with chinese Translation

How can Nordstrom expand the scope of the strategic fit across the supply chain?


Strategic fit is referred to the collaboration, coordination, and consistency (in terms of mission and vision, etc.) of the function inside each stage of the firm go through all over the supply chain, marketing, and so on. With the perfect planning strategic fit cooperation between those factors could help the company to enhance their function and generate benefit that is more than simply pooling their efforts together.


By conducting a good strategic fit, Nordstrom actually is able to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the supply chain. In fact, Nordstrom does consistence its competitive advantages with the supply chain. Nordstrom was known as the pioneer in the consumer fashion retail industry in terms of providing customer services quality. For example, the good returning policy of Nordstrom such as promising of refund in 5 to 7 business, free return service is providing more credibility and confidence for their users to buy the product. Moreover, Nordstrom is trying to maximize the supply chain surplus to ensure the fulfillment of the demand of the consumer without causing loss.

 通过进行良好的战略匹配,Nordstrom 实际上能够最大限度地提高供应链的有效性和效率。事实上,Nordstrom 确实将其竞争优势与供应链保持一致。在提供客户服务质量方面,Nordstrom 被称为消费时尚零售行业的先驱。例如Nordstrom良好的退货政策,如承诺5到7业务的退款,免费退货服务为其用户购买产品提供了更多的信誉和信心。此外,诺德斯特龙正试图最大化供应链盈余,以确保在不造成损失的情况下满足消费者的需求。

In this case, Nordstrom could cooperate with the marketing department and supplier to enhance supply and demand factors. This could actually create a win-win situation and maximize the interests of both parties which stimulate all party to go in the same direction. Even more, Nordstrom could merge data across all their division stores, to further increase the accuracy forecast to the demand and requirement of consumers. This shall be able to help Nordstrom to reach their audience more near and able to serve the consumer more targeted and found more potential consumers to decrease the potential loss caused by supply chain surplus.

 在这种情况下,诺德斯特龙可以与营销部门和供应商合作,加强供需因素。这实际上可以创造双赢的局面,使双方的利益最大化,从而促使各方朝着同一方向前进。更重要的是,Nordstrom 可以合并其所有分店的数据,以进一步提高对消费者需求和要求的准确预测。这将能够帮助Nordstrom更贴近他们的受众,能够更有针对性地为消费者服务,发现更多潜在消费者,以减少供应链过剩带来的潜在损失。

In conclusion, Nordstrom is advising to expand its diversified portfolio which is not only limited to clothing, accessories, footwear, etc. Nordstrom could also expand their product to other sectors such as room decoration and create a brand or design set portfolio to further enhance the consistency between different types of products.

总之,Nordstrom 建议扩大其多元化产品组合,不仅限于服装、配饰、鞋类等。Nordstrom 还可以将其产品扩展到其他领域,如房间装饰,并创建品牌或设计组合,以进一步增强不同类型产品之间的一致性。

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How can Nordstrom expand the scope of the strategic fit across the supply chain?