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(Small Business Mangement) Describe the opportunities of investments and factors which affect them.描述投资机会和影响它们的因素。

Investment is a process that invests money or time in terms of expectation to return, there are a lot of different events within the investment. Some of its people call it an opportunity that is beneficial for them, but some of the events were not. The opportunity helps the investor to maximize the profit, helps the investor to predict, and so on. However, what is the actual factor that always affects them.

投资是一个根据预期回报而投资金钱或时间的过程,投资中有很多不同的事件。 它的一些人称这是一个对他们有利的机会,但有些事件并非如此。 机会帮助投资者实现利润最大化,帮助投资者进行预测,等等。 但是,始终影响他们的实际因素是什么。


One of the factors will be technological change. People's demand and want were always increasing nonstop, so the technology will improve over time. While the new technology has been found, then there will be the new opportunity, some of it with high potential but some of it was not. For example, virtual reality technology has driven the investment situation. Many companies have started to invest in virtual reality technology in different fields such as education, gambling, tourism, sport, and so on. This is evidence that technological change may bring an opportunity and affect the investment market and situation.

因素之一将是技术变革。 人们的需求和欲望总是不停地增加,所以技术会随着时间的推移而改进。 当新技术被发现时,就会有新的机会,其中一些具有很高的潜力,而另一些则没有。 例如,虚拟现实技术带动了投资形势。 许多公司已经开始在教育、赌博、旅游、体育等不同领域投资虚拟现实技术。 这证明技术变革可能带来机遇并影响投资市场和形势。


Other than that, natural disaster is also one of the factors that may affect the opportunities of investment. Even nowadays, technology development is good, but humans are still unable to avoid the threat from nature. The natural disaster was uncontrollable and unpredictable. For example, if one of the investors invests its money in real estate, however, natural disasters such as earthquakes, a tsunami can happen and destroy the asset. This situation will totally cause a loss in the investment.

 除此之外,自然灾害也是可能影响投资机会的因素之一。 时至今日,科技发展良好,但人类仍无法避免来自大自然的威胁。 自然灾害是无法控制和不可预测的。 例如,如果其中一位投资者将其资金投资于房地产,但是,地震、海啸等自然灾害可能会发生并破坏资产。 这种情况将完全造成投资的损失。

Besides that, the expectation is also one of the factors that affect the opportunities of investment.  Expectation could also be defined as the forecasting of the market. Investors are the people who rush for profit, while investors could forecast a good situation in the future market, there will be a lot of investment inflow into it.

除此之外,预期也是影响投资机会的因素之一。 预期也可以定义为对市场的预测。 投资者是追逐利润的人,而投资者可以预测未来市场的良好情况,会有大量的投资流入。


In conclusion, the investment could be the ship that brings people to a quality life, but it could probably bring people to the beginning of worse life. It was an opportunity or disaster, depending on the driving force behind it and also personal situation. It is all about whether the investor is willing and dare to take the risk or not.

总而言之,投资可能是一艘让人们过上优质生活的船,但它可能会让人们开始更糟糕的生活。 这是机遇还是灾难,取决于背后的驱动力和个人情况。 关键在于投资者是否愿意和敢于承担风险。

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