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Why Investment are important to the student? 论提早投资对学生的重要性


Investment as a process to assign the money to a certain element and expect it will return of benefit as well. In a bigger perspective, investment is the tool that drive the economy, and the engine to push the development of the country, world, and technology so on. However, some people will ask is it important for students, the answer will be yes.

投资是将资金分配给某个元素并期望它也能带来收益的过程。 从更大的角度看,投资是拉动经济的工具,是推动国家、世界、科技等发展的引擎。 但是,有人会问对学生重要吗,答案是肯定的。


Students as a person who is busy with study, usually have no time for too much work, and this has to cause the student unable to achieve the financial independence and stay under the protection of parents and family. However, if the student knows and good with the thing of investment, then the situation will be different, financial independence is not just a dream or empty talk. In term of financial, investment help student to generate own income, and decrease the dependency on their parent, even more, it may help to decrease the financial stress on the family.

学生作为一个忙于学习的人,通常没有时间做太多的工作,这导致学生无法实现经济独立,无法得到父母和家人的保护。 但是,如果学生对投资这件事了如指掌,那么情况就不一样了,经济独立不是梦或空谈。 在财务方面,投资可以帮助学生创造自己的收入,减少对父母的依赖,更可能有助于减轻家庭的经济压力。


In term of knowledge, investment is one of the most important parts of economic development. From doing investment, students can learn a lot about the world economy development. For example, the market trends, time value of money, financial research, risk analysis, and so on. This may be really helpful to create fundamental knowledge for students before step into the workplace. Even more, it will be a huge advantage for students to compete in the workplace.

在知识方面,投资是经济发展最重要的组成部分之一。 通过投资,学生可以学到很多关于世界经济发展的知识。 例如市场趋势、货币时间价值、金融研究、风险分析等等。 这对于在进入工作场所之前为学生创造基础知识真的很有帮助。 更重要的是,学生在工作场所竞争将是一个巨大的优势。


More than that, people always say investment should start at earlier the better, and the most suitable time will be at the student period. This is because that to do well in investment needs the accumulation of time and experience. Investment is not just a theory, but a lot of detail needs to be judge using experience. If you start investment lately, your opportunity cost will be high because of waste of time, so that’s why students should start to engage in the learning of investment earlier to accumulate the knowledge, experiences, and implementation to test the real effect.

不仅如此,人们总是说投资应该越早越好,最合适的时间是在学生时期。 因为做好投资需要时间和经验的积累。 投资不只是理论,很多细节需要用经验来判断。 如果你晚点开始投资,你的机会成本会很高,因为浪费时间,所以同学们应该早点开始学习投资,积累知识、经验和实践,以检验真正的效果。



Finally, in terms of quality of life. Investment is one of the potential methods for a person to less work but high income but it just not an easy thing to do. However, if the student may succeed in investment, the student already moves Infront of many people, the earning could use to buy prefer thing, traveling, use it to learn a new skill, and save for retirement saving and so on.

最后,在生活质量方面。 投资是一个人减少工作但获得高收入的潜在方法之一,但这并不是一件容易的事情。 但是,如果学生投资成功,学生就已经在很多人面前动起来了,赚到的钱可以用来买喜欢的东西、旅游、学一门新技能、存退休金等等。

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