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Discuss the three (3) sources of debt capital. Support your answer with relevant examples.

Bank Loan / 银行贷款

The first source of debt capital will be the bank loan. Usually, the bank will provide a special plan for the business loans for the business owner or entrepreneur that wants to start up their own business. However, the bank will look into the entrepreneur or the business capability to repay back the loan, potential, and other elements too. The bank loan is more flexible and free because the bank won’t limit how the company uses the money or expectation from the bank. However, it was a type of debt that means companies need to repay back with different amounts of interest rate and the application is quite complicated and time-consuming.


Asset Financing / 资产融资

Another source of debt capital will be asset financing. Asset financing is the method of financing that is based on the asset of the company including the current asset and non-current asset. For example, the receivable account, stock, facility, machinery, and so on. Asset financing focuses more on the asset credit more than the company credit, and it could use the value of the asset more effectively and efficiently.


Leasing / 租赁

The third source of debt capital would be leasing, also known as equipment leasing or financial leasing. Leasing refers to the transferring of the ownership of the asset or just the right to use the asset.  Leasing could probably help companies to decrease the asset purchasing cost, especially for short-term use. Based on the leasing object or item, the company will need to pay a certain amount of money in return to use or temporarily own the asset.


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