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Trace the connections between differentiation strategy, core capabilities and positioning strategy. How are they relevant to new product planning?

Product is one of the most important tools to help the company stay alive and stay competitive such as increasing profit, reputation earning a profit, and so on. A good product could have a huge different effect from a common product. Product is also one of the elements the differentiate a successful company and normal company.


Thus, the uniqueness of the product that differentiates the company will be much important and this is why many companies have their own differentiation strategy based on their product. To implement the differentiation strategy, the company will need to find out and enhance its product core capabilities. Core capabilities are referring to the advantages that other companies could not achieve or hard to achieve. This was the most important element that a company needs to have if wants to succeed. The core capabilities could be the best process, unique knowledge, special technology use in product innovation, or a good relationship, high innovation and creativity, perfect cooperation, and so on. For example, high accurate forecast ability and efficient front-line execution ability. 


However, the core capabilities usually impossible to do in one stroke but it was requiring a long-time accumulation of experience, knowledge, and so on. For example, the core capabilities of Sony company were the abilities to miniaturize which you can found that most of Sony product was smaller and convenient than usual, just like the MP3 player was a small version of radio.


All of this core capabilities that differentiate the company and product with other competitor has actually positioned the company and product in the market too. All of those differentiation strategies and core capabilities have reflected on the product design and planning, such as trademark, packaging, composition, performance, image, shaping, price, and others. For example, in the automobile industry, the brand of Rolls-Royce from uniting kingdom has the high price positioning, Rolls-Royce vehicle has become the symbol of rich people and life, synonymous with luxury. This has caused Rolls-Royce has become the car model preferred by the upper classes of people because it has satisfied those customers ‘physical enjoyment and feeling of superiority.


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