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What is Pearson’s uncertainty map是什么?Explaination and define

 Pearson’s uncertainty map是什么?

Quadrant 1

Referring to the activity that is having high uncertainty on the process and end goal which means low clear progress and information with both process and output. In this quadrant, the project is defined as exploratory research, it was the groping stage for starting new ideas and process development.

指对过程和最终目标具有高度不确定性的活动,这意味着过程和输出的清晰进度和信息都较低。 在这个象限中,项目被定义为探索性研究,是开始新想法和新工艺开发的摸索阶段。


Quadrant 2

Referring to the activity that is having high uncertainty on process but already has clear goal and targe which mean company knows what to do but not yet clear about the method to achieve it. This type of project is defined as Development engineering, which was the stage to develop the method to achieve the target.

指对过程具有高度不确定性但已经有明确目标和目标的活动,这意味着公司知道该做什么但尚未明确实现它的方法。 这种类型的项目被定义为开发工程,这是开发实现目标的方法的阶段。


Quadrant 3

Referring to the activity that is having high uncertainty on the goal and end but already clear with the process to achieve. This type of project is defined as Application engineering, which was the stage to deciding the target direction.

指对目标和结束具有高度不确定性但已明确实现过程的活动。 这种类型的项目被定义为应用工程,这是决定目标方向的阶段。


Quadrant 4

Referring to the activity that is having low uncertainty on both process and output means that the company is clear with their target and how they need to do it. This type of project is defined as the combination of marketing and technical capability which was the best situation for a project.

指对过程和输出都具有较低不确定性的活动,这意味着公司清楚他们的目标以及他们需要如何做到这一点。 这种类型的项目被定义为营销和技术能力的结合,这是一个项目的最佳情况。

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