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品牌管理笔记Brand Management Note - Chapter 7 (附华语解释)




brand Consistency


Brand consistency was mean to the maintaining of the same element, positioning, and communication with consumer to build brand impression to enhance brand image.



For example,

Apple has built its brand consistency of best performance smartphone experience by create innovation over time to stay Infront of trends.

Apple 通过不断创新以保持领先趋势,从而建立了最佳性能智能手机体验的品牌一致性。


Importance of brand consistency

·         enhancing brand awareness

·         Enhance brand association

·         Increase sales and potential profit

·         Build and gain consumer trust.

·         Build brand loyalty


How to maintain brand consistency

Create brand guidelines 创建品牌指南

Guidelines help your company to explain the operation and clarify rules and unify the element. Such as the tone, voice, logo, color palette.

指南帮助您的公司解释操作,明确规则和统一元素。 如语气、声音、标志、调色板。


Enhance brand characteristic提升品牌特色

Choose most suitable characteristic for your brand and enhance it specifically.



Train your team训练你的团队

Since already have guidelines provide, then show your team and train them to follow the guidelines to be perform in the correct approach.



Create supervise team or Test standard


To ensure the team member could really follow the guidelines and identify any issues at the first time immediate to prevent problem expend.




How to protect source of Brand Equity

1.      Register trademark

2.      Simplify and unified distribution channel

3.      Create official communication channel

4.      Market analysis and segmentation

5.      Unique Design of logo and symbol

6.      Maintain or improve quality of product or services

7.      Regular marketing activity

Fortifying versus Leveraging


Refer to the enhancing of the brand equity, in terms of increase brand awareness, improve brand images, and other action that increase brand value and stableness




Leveraging is a two-way process that enhance usage of existing brand asset to develop new business or entry through business activity. At the same time also nurturing the asset value through the development to create benefit balance between the existing brand and new development.


杠杆作用是一个双向过程,可增强对现有品牌资产的利用,以开发新业务或通过业务活动进入。 同时也通过发展培育资产价值,在现有品牌与新发展之间创造效益平衡。


Fine-tuning the supporting marketing


Product-Related Performance Associations.

Refer to the core associations that primarily relate with product element such as the performance, design, function and etc. Different industry has their own degree of need of innovation and creative for product. Especially the technology product is requiring a frequently high need of innovation according to technology improvement over time.

指主要与性能、设计、功能等产品要素相关的核心联想。不同行业对产品的创新和创意需求程度不同。 尤其是随着时间的推移,随着技术的改进,技术产品对创新的需求往往很高。


For example,

Huawei will come out with new flagship smartphone every year such as P series and mate series which equal with best specification at that time.


Nonproduct-Related Imagery Associations

Refer to the intangible associations that are not related with product physical characteristic but more related with the image, attributes and symbolic of the product. For example, the marketing and positioning of the product. It was focusing on generate positive external impact to the product and brand.

指与产品的物理特性无关,而与产品的形象、属性和象征意义更相关的无形联想。 例如,产品的营销和定位。 它专注于对产品和品牌产生积极的外部影响。