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品牌管理笔记Brand Management Note - Chapter 8(附华语解释)




Projective technique

Refer to provide a polysemy subject to the tester and ask tester for respond in a very short time, without too much thinking. It focusses on obtain the most first impression from the tester to avoid other potential influence. This is because the first thinking came out from minds is usually the most nature and unpolish mind with pure emotions, thought, beliefs and etc. There are few types of approach use in projective technique:

指的是给测试者提供一个多义词,让测试者在很短的时间内做出反应,不用过多思考。 它侧重于从测试人员那里获得最第一印象,以避免其他潜在影响。 这是因为从头脑中产生的第一个想法通常是最自然、最粗糙的头脑,带有纯粹的情感、思想、信仰等。投射技术中使用的方法很少:


·         Associative approach


·         Object complete approach


·         Structural approach


·         Performance approach



Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET)


Been recognized as one of the effective research methods that use for exploring consumer cognition and motivation. It combines the usage of non-literal language and written language. ZMET conduct based on the graphic materials collect and generate from consumer that represent the consumer thought. Through depth interview, to exploring and identify the thinking behavior, feeling mindset of the consumer


被公认为探索消费者认知和动机的有效研究方法之一。 它结合了非文字语言和书面语言的使用。 ZMET 行为基于图形材料从消费者那里收集和生成,代表消费者的思想。 通过深度访谈,探索和识别消费者的思维行为、感受心态





Why ZMET are more focus on using of the graphic material?


Gerald Zaltman believes that graphic language is the very first communication approach came to human civilization such as the Cuneiform. It been believing that graphic materials are more effective on explore and explain the mindset of the consumer.


Gerald Zaltman 认为图形语言是最早出现在楔形文字等人类文明中的交流方式。 人们认为,图形材料更有效地探索和解释消费者的心态。



Neural Research Methods


Neural research methods are focus on how the neural respond is and working on reflections. It measures the consumer mindset with the situation and response of the body itself. For example, some companies are using machine to measures electroencephalogram (EEG) or blood pressure to identify consumer feeling. However, it requires high technique and knowledge to be done and much expensive than common research methods.


神经研究方法专注于神经反应是如何和研究反射的。 它通过身体本身的情况和反应来衡量消费者的心态。 例如,一些公司正在使用机器测量脑电图 (EEG) 或血压来识别消费者的感受。 但是,它需要很高的技术和知识才能完成,并且比普通的研究方法要昂贵得多。



Brand Personality and Values


Brand personality can be defined as characteristic of the brand itself such as high cheerful, intelligent, excitement, reliable and etc. It personifies the brand and generate the personality for the brand, in purpose to get close with consumer, increase brand awareness and competitiveness of the brand. It was also used to enhance resonance between brand and consumer and add emotional value to the brand.


品牌个性可以定义为品牌本身的特征,如高度开朗、聪明、兴奋、可靠等。它使品牌拟人化,为品牌产生个性,目的是贴近消费者,提高品牌知名度和竞争力。 品牌。 它还被用来增强品牌与消费者之间的共鸣,为品牌增加情感价值。


Ethnographic research Methods


Ethnographic research approach is the approach that look into the people’s culture which focus on both forming process and result of culture. Usually, this type of research conduct through few techniques which is the observation, participating, interviewing, history tracing and so on to explain, discover knowledge but not to verify theory.


民族志研究方法是研究人们文化的方法,既关注文化的形成过程,也关注文化的结果。 通常,这类研究通过观察、参与、访谈、历史追溯等少数技术来进行解释,发现知识,而不是验证理论。



Experiential research Methods

Experiential research methods focus on generate true experience, gather data from real live data through the firsthand experience and participant into the subject.
