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Case Study:Travis Kalanick and Uber Question1 with chinese translation

Despite the negative publicity surrounding Uber, consumers continue to utilize the company’s services. Is this surprising?

Uber, even as it produces discussion with its utilization of portable to change nearby vehicle administrations around the world, from taxicabs to carpools to fast food delivery. Difficulties for the organizations later administrators in a few nations found ways to boycott it has brought up issues about how much Uber can stay a reasonable promoting accomplice, pivotal to its development yearnings.

优步,即使它利用便携式设备改变世界各地附近的车辆管理部门,从出租车到拼车再到快餐配送,也引发了讨论。这些组织的困难后来在一些国家的管理者找到了抵制它的方法,这引发了关于 Uber 可以在多大程度上保持合理的推广帮凶的问题,这对其发展渴望至关重要。

Uber is accessible for Google Android, Apple iOS, and as a web application. Travelers follow through on aggressive costs for the assistance, which is less expensive than taxis in many spots.

Uber 可用于 Google Android、Apple iOS 和 Web 应用程序。旅行者坚持支付高昂的援助费用,在许多地方这比出租车便宜。

On a snowy evening, StumbleUpon originator Garrett Camp and his colleague Travis Kalanick experienced difficulty tracking down a taxi. That experience enlivened them to begin the ride-sharing organization. Uber praised 10 billion rides with many shows in 2018. Ubers exceptionally expected first sale of stock (IPO) at last occurred in May 2019. Although the stock's cost at first tumbled, Uber was as yet worth more than 53 billion dollars by 2020.

在一个下雪的晚上,StumbleUpon 的创始人 Garrett Camp 和他的同事 Travis Kalanick 在追踪一辆出租车时遇到了困难。那次经历使他们活跃起来,开始了拼车组织。优步在 2018 年通过多场演出盛赞 100 亿次乘车。优步出乎意料地预计,首次股票发售 (IPO) 终于发生在 2019 年 5 月。尽管股票成本起初暴跌,但到 2020 年优步的价值仍超过 530 亿美元。