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Are there skills that can be learned and skills that cannot? If yes, what are the skills that cannot be improved with time?是否有可以学习的技能和不能学习的技能? 如果是,哪些技能是不能随着时间的推移而提高的?


The answer will be yes, there I some skill could learn and improve over time, but it was also some skill did not able to learn. Some people with perfect skill, people call them genius and talent, but nobody knows that behind them hidden with a lot of hard work and hardship. Everyone could have their different talent and skill, there have different functions and usage because everyone born to be useful.

答案是肯定的,随着时间的推移,我可以学习和提高一些技能,但也有一些技能无法学习。 一些技艺精湛的人,人们称他们为天才和才华,但谁也不知道他们背后隐藏着很多的努力和艰辛。 每个人都可以有不同的才能和技能,有不同的功能和用途,因为每个人都生而有用。


Straight to the point, what type of skill could be learning as well as to improve it over time, actually most of the soft skill could be learned and improve. For example, the skill of teamwork, time management, leadership, problem-solving skill, and so on. This type of skill could be learning and improving over time because of the accumulation of experience and knowledge. As the person has undergone more thing, there would have more understanding about the thing and improve their skill. Such as singing skill also, as the personal practice and learn, it could also be a good singer in future.

直截了当,什么类型的技能可以学习并随着时间的推移提高它,实际上大多数软技能都可以学习和提高。 例如,团队合作的技巧、时间管理、领导力、解决问题的技巧等等。 由于经验和知识的积累,这种技能可以随着时间的推移而学习和提高。 一个人经历的事情越多,就会对事情有更多的了解,提高自己的技能。 比如唱歌技巧也一样,随着个人的练习和学习,将来也能成为一名优秀的歌手。 

Other than these, there is also some skill that could not learn and improve, usually this type of skill will be related with the people's personality. For example, how passion is a person, how rational is a person, how punctual, and so on. This type of skill usually be affected by the growing environment of that person, and it was hard to change or adapt after the person was grown up. For example, especially the creativity skill is one of the most useful but could not learn and improve. Creativity could be an advantage in many aspects such as solving problems, product innovation, and so on. However, creativity is a skill that hard to define and explain, sometimes it was just a sudden thought, sometimes it comes from a dream. In fact, there was not an effective method to train creativity or create creativity.

除此之外,还有一些技能是无法学习和提高的,通常这种技能会与人的性格有关。 比如,一个人有多热情,一个人有多理性,有多守时等等。 这种技能通常会受到那个人成长环境的影响,长大后很难改变或适应。 例如,尤其是创造力技能是最有用但无法学习和提高的技能之一。 在解决问题、产品创新等方面,创造力可能是一种优势。 然而,创造力是一种很难定义和解释的技能,有时只是一个突然的想法,有时它来自一个梦想。 事实上,没有一种有效的方法来培养创造力或创造创造力。


In conclusion, different of skill could form a unique personality, but there is not necessarily mean that which type of skill is not useful and not good but just depend on how those people use that skill. The skill used at correct method then was good. Reversely, if the good skill use at wrong places it was also not good. Nevertheless, there is a lot of skill could be improving and learn so that is not necessary to focus on those difficult things.

总之,不同的技能可以形成独特的个性,但不一定意味着哪种技能没有用和不好,而只是取决于这些人如何使用该技能。 当时用在正确的方法上的技巧是好的。 反之,好技能用错地方也不好。 尽管如此,有很多技能可以提高和学习,因此没有必要专注于那些困难的事情。

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