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Evaluate what strategies are effective for creating a cooperative and active training environment?

Reward system

Creating a cooperative and active training environment will have three important elements and factors. First, the training must emphasize the reward system. If you want people to put effort and work into it, you usually cannot avoid the providing of the reward. Reward functions as a pull force and wants to make people work on it. This shall be able to create the first active training environment


Meaningful and fun

Second, training content must be meaningful and fun. After the training is rewardable which gives the trainee to engage in, the trainer needs to make the trainee get addicted to the training and like the training. The more fun and meaningful training is work like a glue to make trainees to focus on the training and form a more sustainable patient to the training.


Interactive learning

The third is the training must emphasize teamwork if you want to create a cooperative environment. The teamwork can teach the trainee to learn more than just knowledge but also how to work together, how to communicate and so on. For example, trainers can choose to use adventure learning, action learning, team training and so on. This shall be able to create more cooperative learning as trainees work together and have the same goal and reward.


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