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explain the three (3) ethical issues that impact the supplier-customer relationships.


Stakeholders are those who have the connection of benefit with the company, also known as risk-takers, shareholders. However, in the view of economics, there are limited resources, but what people want is unlimited. The resources between the supplier and customer were the earnings from price and quality of goods or services. While being trade and business, in view of supplier is wanted to sell the product or service as higher price as they can. In customer view, they wanted the lower price the better. There was an argument between these two views. While related to benefit, personality will always be asked, is really ethical.


Fake information

While suppliers want to have higher profits, what they could do is some unethical thing. Firstly, suppliers could provide fake information to the customer to attract them to conduct purchasing behavior. For example, suppliers could paste a HALAL sign on packaging even if they do not pass the legal exam. Even more, suppliers could just tell the customer their product has what material, but actually doesn't have inside it.

虽然供应商希望获得更高的利润,但他们可以做一些不道德的事情。首先,供应商可以向客户提供虚假信息,以吸引他们进行采购行为。例如,供应商即使没有通过法律考试,也可以在包装上粘贴 HALAL 标志。更重要的是,供应商可以告诉客户他们的产品有什么材料,但实际上里面没有。

Forced hidden consumption

Second, another ethical issue could be the forced hidden consumption. These were some of the common unethical tactics that actually can be seen in real life. In the menu, the supplier could just tell you the package is a certain amount of payment,  but at last, he could probably tell you the procedure cost an extra fee. In fact, this situation was quite common in service suppliers such as beauty salons.


Cut corners

Third,  another common ethical issue between supplier and customer will be the cut corners. These issues can be seen quite frequently at construction sites about the material. Suppliers could do something with the hollow or solid pillars, cement, lime, and other materials too to save cost and keep it in their own pocket. And at last, the effect is very bad, it makes the building become dangerous, and may cause the loss of life.


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