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Describe any FOUR (4) factors that cause a shift in the demand curve.描述导致需求曲线移动的任何四 (4) 个因素。

Future prices

The first factor will be the expectation in future prices. In the law of demand, the higher the price, the lower the demand. When people expect higher prices in the future, they would buy more now, if they expect lower prices in the future, they will buy more in the future.For example, printing paper becomes more expensive in future, so that people are try to buy more at now to be stored for future use.



The second factor will be income. The income will influence the buying power of the consumer. As the consumer has higher purchasing power, they should be able to buy more or less based on the type of product and cause a shift in demand curve. For example, people prefer to eat at cafes compared to eating at Mamak if they have a higher incomes.

第二个因素是收入。收入会影响消费者的购买力。由于消费者具有较高的购买力,他们应该能够根据产品的类型或多或少地购买,从而引起需求曲线的移动。例如,如果收入较高,人们更喜欢在咖啡馆吃饭,而不是在 Mamak 吃饭。

Substitute product

The third factor is the substitute product. When the substitutes product has a higher price, people will tend to buy more original products, when substitutes product has a low price, people will tend to buy more substitutes product. For example, the butter price is higher, people will prefer to buy more margarine because of the lower price.



The fourth will be the population. The more the population, the higher the demand, the less the population, the lower the demand. For example, the sales of the city are usually higher than the sales in the small town because of the population. 


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