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International Finance Course - Chapter 2 THE INTERNATIONAL MONETORY SYSTEM




Bretton Woods agreement


Appear within 07/1944 to year of 1973.

Encourage the using of US dollar as major currency in international market by most of the country and aim to become the only world currency.



·         Many European countries believe that gold is more value preserving and fixed exchange rate is not beneficial to their countries.

·         Happening of dollar crisis within 1960s to 1970s, US refuse to sell gold, devalued the gold price which destroy the Bretton woods system that pegs with gold.

·         In February 1973, the U.S. dollar further depreciated

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World bank) and international monetary system (IMF)

Role and function:

·         Help countries defend their currencies

·         Maintain the stability of world’s monetary system.

·         Provide loan and capital support to the countries.

·         Provide support to help the country to develop their economic and policy.

·         Promote international financial cooperation.

·         Enhance international trading

IMF Exchange rate System

Pegged Exchange rate system:


·         Hard Pegs 硬性挂钩

Refer to the country that did not have an own legal currency or using the currency board system and use other country currency as legal currency. For example, the dollarization and currency board.

指的是没有一个自己的法定货币或者利用货币发行局制度,以及使用其他国家货币作为法定货币的国家。 例如,美元化和货币委员会。


·         Soft Pegs 软性挂钩

Refer to the country that pegs own country currency with another country currency and keep in limited floating by market intervention such as the foreign exchange reserves. For example, the conventional fixed pegs, intermediate pegs (crawling pegs), stabilized arrangement.



Floating Exchange rate system


·         Free floating rate自由浮动汇率

Refer to the country that relevant agencies are less or no intervention to the foreign exchange market which highly affected by the element of the market.



·         Manage Float rate 管理浮动汇率

In a common situation, the interest rates decide by the market demand and supply naturally but relevant agencies such as the world bank will intervene appropriately to alleviate and avoid improper fluctuation.



Crawling peg爬行钉住:

Between fixed and float exchange rates, refer to a small intervene and a small amount of adjustment to the currency to respond to the change in pre-published data.



Pegged with horizontal bands水平区间钉住:

Allow the currency value flow to move around a certain range, usually the fluctuation will be allowed to be greater than 1%.


Fixed / Flexible exchange rate

Fixed exchange rate


·         Relatively higher stability

·         Relatively lower risk from fluctuation.



·         Lack of flexibility

·         Higher rate of cause inflation.

·         Require many countries or agencies to pay great price for defend, adjustment and maintain.

Three Impossible Trinity of Finance

·         Exchange rate stability

·         Monetary independence

·         Full financial integration

Benefit of Euro

·         Cheaper transaction cost in eurozone

·         Relatively stable and higher value.

·         Lower risk and cost of uncertainty.

·         Higher competitive currency

Three common features that make emerging market choices difficult:

·         Weak fiscal, financial, and monetary institutions

·    Tendencies for commerce to allow currency substitution and the denomination of liabilities in

·  Dollars The emerging market’s vulnerability to sudden stoppages of outside capital flows



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