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How "valley of daeth"a challenge to the company?

The valley of death was a common phenomenon that always appears while companies are trying to create new products or services. The valley of death is actually the gap that appears between research and development. Some of the company was able to research a new technology but however, they are not able to use it effectively in the product creation.


A good project leader may be good at finding and aware of opportunities in the market, but it could probably be just a concept. However, the creation of the new product is always not that simple but fulfilled with a lot of other processes such as market research, improvement, and so on. Thus, the research and development of the product were not part of the project leader. In other words, the project leader was not familiar with the part of the research and development of the product. This gap is one of the reasons why that the valley of death will cause a problem to the project leaders.



Moreover, while the new technology has been found and create, but the related skill and methods to use were not yet mature. It means that the new technology would not be fully useable. This situation will cause a lot of waste on the investment of the new technology because it could not transfer to the real product effectively, and this brings the product to the valley of death. It means that to overcome the valley of death, the project leader must first prepare to learn and develop the skills needed related to new technology.


Other than that, the new development and creation of the new product could not succeed without the supply of the resource such as the material, machinery, labor, and so on. Resources are the most important element to transform the idea into a real product, without it, the idea is just idea and concept. Some of the companies had ideas and technology, but however, they are lack of the resources that it would become like a farmer have techniques but without tools and seeds. This will also bring product innovation into the valley of death.



In conclusion, to bring up a successful innovation and creation of the product, the resources and technical support are dispensable. To overcome and avoid the valley of death, the company need to integrate the power and cooperation of all parties so that the product development could be successful.


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