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Fundamental Dilemma problem face by a company公司面临的基本困境问题


An organization is a collection of different human resources, everyone plays its important role as a gear to make the organization to function. Everyone single employee has their own needed, requirement, view, and perspective, thinking method and so on which may be different from others and unique. As everyone has their own thinking and view, perspective, then the workplace will have different sound which may be able to cause quarrel, conflict, and dissatisfaction.



In these situations, the more the employee, the harder the management need to handle the dilemma. However, it was still so important for the management team to handle the employee as it could probably bring other problem come to company such as the employee turnover, reputation problem, conflict and so on.  Other than that, the dilemma in an organization could be affect by the culture of an organization as well.




The biggest fundamental dilemma problem that facing by organizations was always the ethical dilemmas.  One of the most common problem is the harassment behavior issues especially the sexual harassment in the workplace. It was the problem that face by many of the female employee from it boss. This is cause by a different view and value in seeing a thing. For example, boss think that harassment is giving chance, but not all employees think in the same method. The harassment behavior could bring tension and stress to the employee and make them feel not comfortable to work.



Beside the harassment dilemma, the credit distribution between employee will be another big problem in the company. Every employee surely wants to own more credit and it give chance to show Infront of boss and grant promote of position. But however, the company was always hard to make the credit distribution system to be totally fair and easier to judge. This has caused that some unethical employee would always like to take other employee hard work and credit and make it become own credit. This will cause high unnecessary stress and tension in workplace and possible increase employee turnover rate.




Moreover, some new company was facing the exploitation of employee even the small-medium company. While many of new company are lack of fund and want to decrease the cost of employee so that they hire one employee to handle few employee jobs as well. Even more some company like to have meeting when near to the off-work time. However, this issue was actually affected increase tension on employee itself and affect their morale, feeling and so on to the company.




In conclusion, every company always have their own issues to be solve and handle. Although it was quite hard to handle but once the issues could be solving, the company will step forward one more step in front and create a more better company as well to be success, this was important.

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