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The disadvantages of Market Testing 试销


Before discussing why market testing could not always be beneficial, it must first come with the characteristic of the market. The market is the platform that allows people to conduct trade with the combination of many elements such as trends, price, geography, and so on. The market will change and affect by many of these elements and make it continues to transform over time and people will be hard to predict it.


Accurate Issues

The market was very hard to fully accurately predict but there are some tools such as market testing to help in the prediction of the market. Market testing will first create the testing product and directly face the customer to test the effect. This method might tell the business some useful information, but it was based on the current situation. It's mean that the same information might not be useful and accurate in terms of future prediction. Even more, if the company is using the old prediction information as guidelines in the decision-making, it might mislead the decision-maker to make the wrong decision too.



Costly and time-consuming

Moreover, market testing is requiring the company to create a not perfection product in the market. This will actually very costly and time-consuming too. This is because that the market testing was purposely to test the market response but not to earn more profit which may really expensive and not accurate. Increasingly, the market testing will drag the business development become slow and cause unnecessary stress on business finances.


Competitor Awareness

Furthermore, while the business is conducting the market testing and release not perfection product to the market, it might cause the competitor to be aware of the business. In the market, speed is one of the most important elements to be successful. Be the first marketer, would have many advantages such as the pioneer advantages which may help the business to develop and gain customer trust. However, conducting the market testing will violate this rule as it would slow down the development and leak the information to the competitor and lose the pioneer advantages. It was just like giving opportunities to the competitor.


Parving the road for your competitor

More than that, because the market testing product is not yet perfect, it might also give the chance and opportunities to your competitor to copy, improve and create a better product. This might cause a great loss to the business and lose the pioneer advantages and opportunities to be pregnant in the market. The market testing is usually done in the open market and the result is no secret, which means that the competitor could also monitor and steal the result of your market testing result. This might cause that the market testing of the company is actually paving the way for the competitor too.


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