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Product Development- Product design Strategy Note


Product design Strategy



Classic Life-long model

The product with a classical designing and appearance. Usually, this type of product has a longer history and customer loyalty.


具有经典设计和外观的产品。 通常,这种类型的产品具有较长的历史和客户忠诚度

  • Lipton tea
  • Pepsi
  • quaker
  • Coca-Cola

The gap-exploiter model

Mine and make use of the potential and leftover value of the product. It usually earns profit by a differentiation of the product and freshness of new product to attract the consumer.


挖掘并利用产品的潜在价值和剩余价值。 它通常通过产品的差异化和新产品的新鲜度来吸引消费者来赚取利润。

  • Air circulation shoes
  • Flip smartphone
  • Balancing scooter

The hybrid model

The product that was the combination of two or more types of the products usually will be a durable product and consumption product. It is earning profit by repeating the selling of the consumption product.


由两种或两种以上产品组合而成的产品通常将成为耐用产品和消费产品。 它通过重复消费产品的销售来获利。

  • Printer with Ink
  • Torchlight with battery
  • Disinfection spray gun with sanitizer

The access model

The product which focuses and provide higher accessibility to the customer rate than ownership itself. It is earning profit while people access to it.


该产品专注于并提供比所有权本身更高的客户访问率。 当人们使用它时,它正在赚取利润。

  • Green wheels
  • Grab
  • Buzz Car


The performance model

The product focuses on performance and quality more than how the product looks. This type of product could have a top characteristic in the same fields.


比产品外观更注重性能和质量的产品。 这类产品可以在同一个领域具有最高的特性。

  • Rolls-Royce
  • Nvidia dedicated Graphic card.
  • Bose speaker





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