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Explain why we should not expect to see zero percent unemployment.

Employment refers to the rate of people getting a job and the working rate. Usually, a higher employment rate means an increase in the tax, government income, higher development, and higher-level standard of living, which is the higher the better. However, if there was full employment, and zero percent unemployment, it actually is not good. This is because zero percent unemployment means the labor supply of the country and could not follow up with the development of the country which means a lack of human resources. This situation may possibly limit the development of the country because there was no extra labor for the developed area and also the enterprise. For example, there is no more unemployed labor who want to work as an accountant, work as teachers, and others. Not only does it become a limitation of development, full employment, and zero unemployment also means the problem of the education system in the country. This is because the education function is to train and produce human resources for the country's use, however, now the education system could not do this job well. 


Even more, full employment means that the competition between employees and the company will start to grow harder and harder. This may lead to an economic boom and faster development, but it should also come with higher risk and instability, unsustainable because of the competition inside the business circle, probably the small enterprise is much harder to live. More than that, full employment cause labor shortages, and human resources will because rare resources, and it will totally increase the labor cost such as the salary, wages and etc.
