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Briefly explain the types of unemployment.

Frictional unemployment.

The first type of unemployment would be frictional unemployment. It was a type of unemployment caused by the allocation of resources. Within the company adjustment, some employees will be needed to transfer to another position. However, sometimes the transfer job was not the employee’s preferred job. Simply say, frictional unemployment was referring to the time consumption by the worker wanting to get a preferred job.


Real wages unemployment

Another type would be real wages unemployment. It was caused by high wages and salaries. Some companies offer higher wages to attract more people to work. However, this will cause more people to only want to have a high salary job, but not every company could provide a high salary. The gap between these two elements causes unemployment.


Hidden unemployment

The third type of unemployment will be hidden unemployment. This type of unemployment looks like still employment on the surface, but it actually unemployment. Some companies use to conduct hidden unemployment for their employees by reducing workload, working hours, salary, cutting benefits, and only approving unpaid leave to force their employees to leave by themself to avoid the penalty for contract or law.
