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Five (5) important of a business plan to an entrepreneurship

Communicate the benchmarks and objectives

The first importance of the business plan should be to communicate the benchmarks and objectives to others. Usually, a big company will have hundreds seven thousand of employees working together. In this situation, communication becomes complex and hard. So that the business plan is able to become a tool of communication to ensure the instruction can be transferred accurately and correctly because everyone reads the same business plan but does not listen to different perspectives.

商业计划的首要任务应该是将基准和目标传达给其他人。 通常,一家大公司会有数十万七千名员工一起工作。 在这种情况下,沟通变得复杂而艰难。 使商业计划书能够成为一种沟通工具,确保指令能够准确无误地传递,因为每个人都阅读相同的商业计划书,但不会听取不同的观点。

Identify the critical

The second importance of the business plan will be to identify the critical. A business plan is always connected with many of the different departments and elements which is actually complex. So that the business plan should be able to provide an overall view of the plan to help the decision-maker to find out the problem easier. Having or not a business plan is different just like you watch the landscape on the floor or on the tower, only can see in front or can see more than that.


Provide guidelines 

Another importance of the business plan is to provide guidelines for the decision-maker. Inside a business plan will have a lot of information such as the demand and supply which should be able to help decision-makers to decide how much should be produced and the price to be set for the product. It will be totally more effective and accurate to make decisions compared with making decisions whatever they want.


Ensure financial sustainability

Fourth, the business plan is important to ensure financial sustainability. The business plan can show up the relationship between the financial and every activity. This shall be able to decrease the big fluctuations in the financial and avoid some unnecessary loss to the company financially. 


Comprehensive understanding of the whole plan

Fifth, the business plan is important to increase and improve the understanding of the plan to every concerned person. As already mentioned, the business plan allows people to have an overall view of the plan which means that people could understand the plan from different perspectives but not only their own perspective. For example, the financial department is also able to understand the marketing department's strategy so that it is easier to allocate financial resources. Lastly, the business plan is actually also to improve the cooperation between employees and make them work more efficiently and effectively.
