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Discuss five contributions of the industrial sector to the Malaysian economy. You may frame your discussion with the context of heavy industries, SMEs or in general term.


The first most common and biggest contribution to Malaysia will be to utilize natural resources. For a country, if there is no industrial or manufacturing to help to change those resources to useful products, it will be some kind of waste. So that the industries could provide support to process the resources to become better products.


Secondly, while the resources are after the industrial processing, it will be a type of value-added process. It means that the low-value raw materials and resources could increase the value to be sold which is more profitable than just raw. At the same time, it will also increase the national income indirectly too.


Third, the industries usually will require a massive amount of employees and labor such as the operator in the factory. It means that the industry is actually created and provides a lot of career opportunities for the local people to increase their income and bring influence to people’s quality of life too.


Fourth, the industry has also transformed Malaysia from the national consumer to become the national manufacturer. Industrial help Malaysia to get used to all the available resources to produce its own product so that it will help Malaysia to become less dependent on other countries' products, but own produce for its own use. In other words, industrial helped to decrease Malaysia's imports and increase exports.


Fifth, another most common contribution of the industry will be to supply the goods and fulfill the people’s needs.  Industrial is the first sector to access the resources that are responsible to transform the raw materials to become useful items and provide them to small and medium enterprises, sellers, markets, and so on to sell to the consumer in Malaysia. If without industry, there will be no demanded supply for the people's daily usage.
