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Based on your understanding, describe the Causes of unemployment in terms of economic reason.

One of the causes that lead to unemployment will be economic trends. Sometimes, when the trends have come, there will be a lot of new enterprises or people will start to open new businesses. However, if the trends pass, the demand for those products will start to fall and cause a lot of people to lose their jobs. This situation will be significant, especially in the industrial sector. This is because the industry sector uses more temporary contract workers to fit with the sudden increase in demand. While the trends are gone, demand goes down, and industries will fire and terminate most of the contract workers too.


Even more, if there was economic depression, most the companies will start to fire unimportant employees to decrease the cost of human resources, even sometimes fire the employee who has a high salary just because of experience and hires new employees to save the cost. At this time, it would increase the unemployment rate too.


Other than that, the impact of technology is also one of the reasons. While new technology has been found, the economy will start to grow. But however, if the technology is about automation which is able to increase production for the economy, it will also cause a lot of unemployment rate too because machines have taken over people's jobs.
