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Industries Master Plan 3 was launched in 2006 and rids on the theme ‘Malaysia towards global competitiveness. Discuss the objective of implementing IMP3 and the strategies of IMP3


The industry's master plan 3 in Malaysia is actually to increase the competitiveness in the global perspective, in terms of trading, financial power, technology advancement, position and etc. This is because that Malaysia as a multicultural country which is over a hundred years of history, actually has more potential to be dug out and space to improve, and one of the purposes of this industrial master plan 3 is to get the effective use of these industrial potentials in Malaysia.


There are many strategies that have been implemented in these industrial master plans 3. One of them will be to generate and attract more investment. To develop the country, one of the most important resources will be the capital. However, sometimes it would be hard to fully handle by the government individually so that the investment is needed to implement the development.

在这些工业总体规划中实施了许多战略 3。其中之一将是产生和吸引更多投资。要发展国家,最重要的资源之一将是首都。然而,有时政府很难单独完全处理,因此需要投资来实施开发。

The second strategy is to develop our own human capital and resources.  Malaysia as a new country has a lot of resources, but Malaysia is lacking its own superior, elite labor. So, it will be a high dependency on foreign labor, and this was actually not very good for the Malaysian economy. To solve this problem, the government has tried to develop its own human capital by enhancing the education system, etc.


Third, the first and second industrial master plan has created a good fundamental for industrial growth. The third industrial master plan is starting to try to ensure the growth of the industry becomes more sustainable, and not be easily broken down and so on. This is to ensure the production and income that come from industrial will not be simply cut down by some challenge and bring a sustainable income to the country.


Fourth, Malaysia's industry has been growing to a certain level and produces a lot of products and materials. Then, we need another platform for the consumption of those products which is the service sector. In Industrial plan 3, they are trying to focus enhancement on the service sector as the major source of growth.

第四,马来西亚的工业已经发展到一定程度,生产了大量的产品和材料。然后,我们需要另一个平台来消费这些产品,那就是服务业。在工业计划 3 中,他们正试图将增强服务业作为主要增长来源。

Fifth, the industrial master plan is trying to integrate the companies in Malaysia. At that time, the companies are appearing like the rain falling, which is a lot. However, there will be just fewer of them that could be successful and most of them will fall down. So that, to ensure the growth can be more smooth with some competitiveness, the integration of companies is a must to increase the survival rate and make the resources consume more effective and efficient.
