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5 main concept of economics definition and explianation


Economics is the study of how to use limited resources to fulfill the unlimited wants and needs of the people. Economics is also focused on the allocation of resources, consumption, and production of the resources. It can be divided into microeconomic and macroeconomic. For example, there is a book with Rm 8 and a pencil box with Rm7, the individual only has Rm10 and only can buy one item but he chooses to buy a book with Rm8 and the opportunity cost will be the pencil box.

经济学是研究如何利用有限的资源来满足人们无限的需求。经济学还关注资源的分配、消费和资源的生产。它可以分为微观经济和宏观经济。例如,有一本 8 元的书和一个 7 元的铅笔盒,个人只有 10 元,只能购买一件物品,但他选择用 8 元购买一本书,机会成本将是铅笔盒。


Microeconomics is one part of economics but it focuses more on the individual behavior and perspective on the economic decision and to study how the factors interact with the individual decision. For example, the individual wants to buy another additional product because of the promotion and lower price.



Macroeconomics is the study of the preference, behavior, and interaction of the international perspective as a whole which was more based on the overall view of the world compared with the microeconomics which was only based on a smaller group of people. For example, the interest rate, and gross domestic product are included in the macroeconomics.


Market economy市场经济

The market economy is a type of economic system that gives more freedom to the firm to make economic decisions on resource allocation, production, and so on. For example, the firm in the market economy will have the power to make changes to the price of the goods or products in the market based on the changing in the market.


Command economy.指令经济

A Command economy is a type of economy that has less freedom on making economic decisions because most of the decisions will be planned and made by the government. For example, what to produce, what is the price, what is the quantity to produce the product, and so on will be controlled by the government based on the country's overall perspective.
