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With examples, describe the FOUR (4) resources used to produce goods and services.

The four resources used to produce goods and services will be land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.用于生产商品和服务的四种资源将是土地、劳动力、资本和企业家。

The Land can be defined as the resources that are used to create products and services to supply. Resources can also divide into renewable and non-renewable resources. For example, oil, wood, tree, farm, and so on is one of the elements in the land. Land can be influenced by the property, weather, and so on.


Second, the labor, which can also be defined as the workforce, the human resources who do and operate the work. The labor can be divided into many types but usually have two common divides which are high-education and low-education labor. For example, high education labor will have more specific skills in the field such as accounting, and programming. However, the low-education forces are more to the common knowledge and physical work.


Third, the capital can divide into cash and assets. The equipment, machinery, and interest are also included in the capital. Some of the business fields require higher capital to start and enter but some of them do. For example, the monopoly business needs to have higher capital to enter, but the perfect competition usually does not, such as hawkers.


The fourth will be the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the person who integrates the other three-factor, capital, land, and labor, and use them to produce the product or services. The entrepreneur earns a profit and takes higher risks than the worker. Entrepreneurs can be influenced by many factors such as the type of competition, type of product, and so on.
