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Define what is meant by dead inventory. What are several ways to manage it?

Dead inventory was the inventory that was unable to sell effectively and efficiently and caused the accumulated inventory which will increase the holding or carrying cost in inventory management.


Dead inventory was caused by some reason or factors such as the sudden change of trend causing low demand of products or services, defective products, natural disasters that change purchasing behavior, and so on


Usually, there are a few ways to manage it. First, companies can offer free shipping of the product to make the product look cheaper. This shall be able to increase the attraction of the product to the customer to increase sales. Other than that, the company could also create the bundle product or use it as a free gift. This way can increase the sales of another product while decreasing the dead inventory. For example, the metal straw was lacking in demand and became dead inventory, so the company can promote buying two packs of milo and free a few metal straws. Other than that, companies can also donate the dead inventory to do some charity to fulfill the social responsibility to shape a better image. And it was the last step, to return the dead inventory to the supplier. However, not all suppliers will accept the return as well; it will affect their business inventory also.
